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If well received we will continue recording these on Sunday.
I watch all Godzilla movies but I don't remember...cuz...I'm Lee lol...and the director....hasn't watched as much but I didn't expose him on the internet for YouTube...
I like the franchise but I'm not obsessed...so it's a matter of you tolerating me just watching a dope show on a genre that you like.
when I talk to people in real live....nobody knows more about Godzilla than I do....but whenever I interact online...i look like I know nothing lol...that's just the way it is.

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monarch ep 1 uncut

Watch "monarch ep 1 uncut" on Streamable.



If you really get interested after this show. Would like you guys to react to the Godzilla movies, you don't need lore to watch them as they are stand alone movies set in a world where basically humanity had to leave planet earth because of Gojira =). "GODZILLA: KAIJUU WAKUSEI" is the name 2017 animated movie.


Ive seen that personally in the background. It doesn’t look to be doing well so we are going back to drawing board


hopefully u guys continue reacting to this show

Ernest Mitchell

Nah, she a baddie bro. I almost feel honored to be watching this show just because of her. She has to be a model right?

Ernest Mitchell

This was such a good first episode. Introduced some good questions and gave some trilling moments. On to episode 2.