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Shield hero s3 ep 8 uncut

Watch "Shield hero s3 ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.



The rat bitch an episode or 2 ago mentioned that dragons can pretty much fuck almost ANY species and produce viable offspring. That's kinda one of their strong points, and something they do to dominate a world like the Emperor Dragon intends to, because they can have a fuckton of different models of offspring to govern different zones of the world as underlings. So guess we better protecc the lolibaba w/ a fishing rod from Big E!

Lord LaMink

They definitely gone cook yall lol, but the Hunting Hero's comrades is glass and the redhead dude and blue hair chick


The girl with the fishing pole is the hunting hero - Kizuna, I think, Glass is the girl with the fan, the girl with gem in her head is the gem hero, the gem and the guy with the red hair are the ones they partied with on that experience grinding island where Naofumi made the bracelet for the gem hero, then later on they found out that they were not from their world but Glass' world instead, after getting stuck in the prison dimension and getting Kizuna out of there and after Glass and them found kid Raphtalia, they kind of buried the hatchet for now, that's all I remember.

Ernest Mitchell

Director is wrong this time. The Gon chick that they became friends with in the other world is from the same world as Glass. All of those heroes in that image are from the same world and they are all friends with us now. The heroes were tricked into thinking that by destroying our world they would stop the waves in their own world. They aren't enemies anymore.


Can’t wait for them to cook you but I know Lee knows who they are lol

Ernest Mitchell

Bro I said the same thing Director said when I saw this on my own. The Emperor Dragon used all of the Shield Hero currency points to upgrade the dragon shield. lol

Ernest Mitchell

Oh man, I didn't think this episode would be so confusing. Gaelion (Baby Dragon) is his own dragon. He ate the core of the Emperor Dragon from the other world that Shield Hero brought back. Thats 1 core. Back in the day Filo ate the core of the Zombie Dragon when they defeated it. Thats the second core. When Gaelion ate her, he got both cores in him now. I'm thinking if they just remove Filo, that will weaken Gaelion enough.


What happened was the baby dragon ate the emperor dragon core and got taken over by the emperor dragons mind, the zombie dragon core was inside Filo from season 1 when they killed it back then, which is why she went berserk and the whole curse series thing. Wyndia named the baby dragon Gaelion because it was her fathers name, to make his memory be alive pretty much.


Need to just go ahead and put the disclaimer on this one because they gonna Gordon Ramsey yall in the comments lol loved the video though. This dragon arc went 0 to 100 so fast.


nah they cooked animation looks good this week

Daniel Turner

joey wheeler summoned red eyes black dragon


fairy tail had alot of hit or miss but the ending episodes were good


Damn, you guys were making a three course meal the way yous was cookin in the paused part and the after discussion. This is the kind of breakdown that I like to hear at the end. So different than the Reanimated discussion fo sure! 😅


Lmao. How do theirs go? Lol. But yeah. It’s generally like this if its just the guys and i am not pressed for time. I don’t watch shield hero for views either. Its a passion project really. Passion projects generally get this treatment too. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


And as long as I don’t get cooked in the comments for being wrong you keep saying this kind of energy my brother. Every now and then I have the mental fortitude to handle negativity. You guys have been pretty kind even when we have inaccurate takes and that sincerely drives more open minded dialogue. Meanwhile I get attacked for liking the villains on JJk. I tend to hold back a bit there lol


I generally have a better time on the underrated shows to be honest but they don’t economically carry the channel. 🤷🏽‍♂️


They were busy clownin on the shitty cgi last ep and how the dragon reminded them of Digimon. 😅 Yeah it's sad that people gave up last season cause of the turtle arc taking so long. They didn't get to see the shitty Book Hero and hate on him like we did. Man I was glad when he bit it. Hard to believe he was voiced by the same seiyuu as Bokuto from Haikyuu! 😂


I’m back again I don’t even ask those outro questions on a mainstream reaction but I feel at home when I cover shield hero with you guys much love man I’m feeling very sentimental at this moment thank you


Nah man, I am a big Sukuna, Geto, and was a big Mahito fan, but now that he killed my man he can fuck off! 😂


I get you there. I get hate for my isekai taste a lot, but there is trash and then good trash. There is a difference for sure! Like I love that you guys watch the shojou romances cause they only get love if everyone is interested and a lot are underrated for sure! Also food anime is sooo good and people pass on it all the time! You guys were the only ones to watch the Camp fire one and I thank you for it! 🤗


I'm glad for the sentiments. I don't get to hang in Discord much lately but I like that you honestly pay attention to the comments even if there are like 20 plus. It shows you really do care! 🤗🥰


Damn you right! Shit I watch too many of you guys, but hey you should but bring food cause it makes you hungry and trust, I have made like five recipes from that series! 😅👨‍🍳

Brian Carotenuto

Ok, so you guys paused at time 25:40 to discuss the heroes from the other world. It's easier just to see it. So if you go to season 2 episode, 11 time 8:50, it'll clear everything up