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"We are starting Sweet Home Season 2 in December. We will finish watching Revenant, and I want to revisit Crash Landing On You.

I plan to mix both new and older K-dramas that have loyal followings.

I'm also still interested in Worst Of Evil. After that, I've read many suggestions but haven't ranked them yet. I'll likely resume voting based on feedback."  "저희는 12월에 Sweet Home 시즌 2를 시작합니다. Revenant를 마무리하고 싶으며 Crash Landing On You를 돌고 돌아보고 싶습니다.

저는 충성스러운 팬들을 가진 신작과 오래된 K드라마를 혼합할 계획입니다.

또한 Worst Of Evil에 대한 흥미도 있습니다. 그 이후로 여러 제안을 많이 읽었고 아직 계층화되지 않았으며 피드백을 기반으로 투표를 다시 시작할 것으로 예상합니다."

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strong girl 15

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45:02 "Heol" is an untranslatable word in Korean. Its like their version of shock 😲 or disbelief. you'll usually hear kids say "heol, daebak" which is like the same way we use "omg wtf" lol

tomasso stilton

i can't wait for crash landing on you