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John Ng

Thank you Lee!!! 🥰


wrong tag btw Lee

John Ng

Lee associates Maomao with being a strong girl 🤣


Lishu's taster saved her own life with the switch since she likely would have just ingested the poisoned soup/wouldn't have figured out the poison like MaoMao did.

R'ja Norr

A thought crossed my mind as I watched this episode, is the old man Maomao's biological father? Someone could have handed her over to him to look after. Also, in episode 2 (I believe) Jinshi came to Maomao with a military mystery. If Jinshi is just in charge of the rear palace, why would he be privy or concerned about military issues? Just some thoughts I have had.


Consider the fat eunuch doctor dude. He looks to be in his 40s to 50s or w/e, and based on Maomao dad having grey hair I'd say he's like 60s to 70s or w/e in addition to factoring his profession


I think they were picking on her because she was immature. She's "a picky eater" to them and probably a spoiled brat and are acting out about having to wait on a child rather than one of the other consorts. that's just my take. i don't think it has anything to do with her becoming the second emperor's consort. that's not taboo in those times.


You guys really have the best after discussions i swear! 🤗