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Casper Ghost

Not to knock your call to action but the new list isn't why I'm watching older videos its just that there's its Thanksgiving and there's less new content worth watching. Plus y'all've dropped a few series like deadmount without warning and I don't wanna invest in the series if you may just drop it unannounced or release it erratically like Magi. Just my two cents

Casper Ghost

14:30 I don't for sure remember which of the shitheads has the weapon copying ability on their legendary weapon and which one can learn different skills but it was revealed in S1 and again in last episode (that's why Moto got so strong suddenly; he finally listened to Naofumi) that each of them has a way of getting stronger that fits their old gaming style. One of the gamers can turn his weapon into any other weapon he copied (I think that's Moto), Itsuki gets skills, Ren's sword just continues to get stronger I think, and Naofumi gets special attributes to add to his shield. However if they believe in each other's methods then they also gain that method for themselves which is why Naofumi and Raphtalia can also copy weapons and special skills.