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lol not adorkable learning acnh stonks through twitch skskskksks i follow a discord i used to trade thru. i miss turnip stonks

Anthony Stone

Definitely agree with Director Nasty, the way the flashback came and you see Himmel in the background alluded to how she's not even aware of her own feelings on him

mitch anderson

Toji got reincarnated as a muscular elf. Makes sense

M-A Joelle Vaval

I was waiting for this ep to come ! I you go back on his choices of words and think of the background designs of previous episodes i think he is the elf from the previous generation!!! That has been my long standing opinion! That’s why he looks at her with warmth and a bit of sadness!!!!!!


yeah I was like yo is that Dio again? this man is in everything!

Random Guy

i have a feeling that he's probably like frieren in a sense that he's probably part of a previous generation of heroes. But way way way before their party that at that point nobody remembers him or his party anymore.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

28:21 I think praise was meant in the sense of praising the achievements of Frieren's life not praise as in praise a god/goddess.


Heiter the Goat

Daniel Borrego

well imagine someone pulling out some thousand year old viking scroll on animal skin that says they're certified as an artisan. organizations now a days would look at them like they're insane :D

Daniel Borrego

if he can judge her age, perhaps hes a hero from like 1500 years ago or more. who knows how long elves live in this world. people would basically have no idea who he is, and depending on written txt, may not even know what country he fought for or who or what he defeated. this is the true curse of immortality. you become like the living dead at a certain point.

Fumi フミ

I think I took the conversations between kraft and frieren differently. They are both very long lived elves and despite his unnamed achievments in his time, frieren didnt know who he was at all and noone knows what frieren was doing for 900 years before joining the party of heroes. The issue of a dying elf population has not been presented as a problem to be solved in the anime so I think the conversations are for frieren to figure out how she wants to live her life, isolated or out helping people. Which is something fern has also tried to confront her with.

Mufid Lassissi

What’s going on with teh volume in all the réactions

Vensen Granville

I got a feeling eisen will be in heaven when they get there

Pancho Martinez

The way I understood the praise conversation is that the goddess is an eternal being and unlike those on the mortal plane will not die and will remember you forever. So in turn when they said I'll give you praise I understood it as "I will tell the goddess about you even if you don't believe them and even when I am gone there will still be one left to remember you long after you yourself are gone". I think this because both times they asked if she believed in the goddess and both Kraft and Heiter wished to be praised by the goddess when they die. I think even in the past in real life some people would say I will give you praise, meaning they will in heaven praise their living so they will be accepted into heaven when it is their time

dani oz

This came full circle to episode 1. Heiter noticed Frieren is hiding her mana, said that its good to know for the future if he ever teaches his kid magic. Fast forward (or backwards to episode 1), Frieren meets Fern for the first time and says that Fern is practicly invisible due to her insane mana control at that young age.


16:35-ish Graveyard of swords...okay, so we ripping off Berserk now...speaking of. DO BERSERK GOD DEAM IT! Will it get vievs? MEBY! Is it worth doing anyway? Yea, obviously, it's one of few series that should be mandatory watches/reads/bothlol for everyone.


Yeah I try and watch some of these things on my own when I get time I agree it’s a must watch


I thought adorkable understood that himmel is the love interest of frieren. Her bringing up frieren getting with another elf is super pointless from my point of view. Not sure why she has to keep bringing it up. Its been made fully obvious that the only person she ever seen as a love interest in her entire life is himmel