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Jazzy Jinx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-13 19:46:14 Yo, they dumped all of the budget into that swimsuit changing scene and I appreciate that.
2023-11-13 19:38:42 Yo, they dumped all of the budget into that swimsuit changing scene and I appreciate that. When you think about it, if there was someone that was alive for thousands of years in our world then they would have come from a time where, for thousands of years, slavery was totally accepted all throughout the world. And it's really only been a blip in time (for them) since it's been mostly abolished. So if a person was alive for that long, in our world at least, I could definitely see them being racist as shit.

Yo, they dumped all of the budget into that swimsuit changing scene and I appreciate that. When you think about it, if there was someone that was alive for thousands of years in our world then they would have come from a time where, for thousands of years, slavery was totally accepted all throughout the world. And it's really only been a blip in time (for them) since it's been mostly abolished. So if a person was alive for that long, in our world at least, I could definitely see them being racist as shit.


Guild girl clearly isn't slacking despite the office job. Putting in work.

Daniel Borrego

that was the elf girl that they rescued when they went into the ruins. i believe its the first time they adventured together. the place where the ogre was. also the cousin instead of singing a poem to get her sister, basically sang about how awesome he was in battle :D


Ah yes, the "racist AF elfs" WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?! xD


But...that's the one trope I'm guilty of too. Every elf ever either looks like Legolas, or is racist...and my latest D&D char is, you guessed it RACIST LEGOLAS! (but wizard, cuz who the fuck would like to play ranger?)

Black Hawk

500 year beef 😂


I was also like “Elephant?? Oh I guess not”

Tijay Carroll

she hasnt been singing about him. there are bards that have been singing about him. might not remember but they showed 2 in season 1


Haha, that setup "Is that a elephant?" :D


I love goblin slayer as a series but sometimes the anime will randomly nerf the hell out of the main girls out of nowhere lol. Especially noticed it with how cow girl is supposed to have some big tiddies and then randomly in some scenes they are the size of guild girl tiddies. Guild girl still got good sized tiddies but cow girl supposed to have the biggest ones. Also they do elf girl dirty cause she is supposed to have some pretty good thiccc and curvy proportions around her thighs and butt but she randomly gets given sticks for legs.


Ooooh. U got some good points there.. u right esp sbout elf girl

Casper Ghost

28:00 Not trying to change him? Have we forgotten the "no fire, water, or poison" rule? lol