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Prof. Walker

The Harem God does not miss!


Man, cuz, you should be able to react to the most popular anime before these ones, on god. I understand you have a kid + some but got damn give your viewers who pay 10+$ the most mid anime. Give us what we pay for, bro. I’m sure so many viewers wanna say what I say but they’re too scared to even say anything to avoid being banned…. Bro, you’re an amazing creator but, please, give us what we need


Honestly I might have to pick up the manga cause I'm invested


Hello Oreo and thank you for your feedback. I’ve never banned a patreon in my life but what exactly is the issue? What animes should be posted before this one? What anime was left to post that is more popular than this one my channel? I thought i was already doing that to be honest


Thank you for your response, king. I didn’t expect you to respond so quickly…. I just wanted to see the reactions of what I seen on your schedule (per what you expected them to be). Although it’s not what I expected, due to life, the taking care of your child, and family time, I personally, just wanted an ACTUAL posting time regardless of @spending time with family + child”


Oh I understand. You want to come first before my family and child. ( i minimized real estate to be a content creator for my child we get to spend a lot of time together and thats my primary goal). But that side. I have from 3-5:30 to record with the trio. But prioritizing recording as much as possible with them until that time. I can edit videos after they leave. If I prioritize speedy delivery and end and upload while they are her, they still gotta leave at the same time so that means we would produce more content. By your patience and my effecient order of business i can produce more content and I probably do more than any group reaction channel you know that consists of 3 or more people. I will 100% take time to spend with my wife and daughter before anyone else because most people dont care about me as an individual. Id be a fool to prioritize anyone else over the people that love me. Money is a tool for FREEDOM and peace with loved ones. While i appreciate you, you compare to $10 against the value of my family and thats insulting and not even a proper way to think. Please watch Fast X. Nothing comes before Family. You will get videos ASAP. By the way i am not upet. I reiterate, im already working on delivering and volume


Okay, pause… That’s where we stop and come clear. Nah, I want you to spend time with family + child.. I could care less about anything else… BUT I want you to come clear about schedule uce. Don’t say in your damn description about timing and then lie about timing. That’s all I’m concerned about. I don’t wanna be paying for something that’s not promised….. I read EVERYTHING that you said would be promised. I’m cool with it. But once it’s a day or two AFTER, then it becomes a problem. Why should I pay for something promised AFTER it’s been promised? That’s what I’m concerned about. I respect your family time + your time with baby. I respect it for damn sure, and if anybody has a problem with it, come catch hands….. Just, please, change your description on things if that’s not how it’s TRULY going to be.

Alan Uribe

Chadtarou with the bars! I want to mention that in episode 1 our MC had a conversation with a god...just something to keep in mind for the future.


Well I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. A lot of people may not be sharing and it was insightful. Thank you kindly.


Btw the description matches as promised. They post according to schedule and schedule included disclaimers on delays.


Of course, uce. I’m not gonna unsub because of what I think because I LOVE what you do. You and the others’ comments make me happy/laugh/sad. So no matter what I’ll sub. I just hope you and I, and every other person who agrees with me comes to an understanding


Its there for you on schedule “POST BY 11:59 pm Eastern Time (Weekly’s Released can face 24 hour delay) https://twitter.com/Yaboyrocklee_ https://www.twitch.tv/yaboyrocklee Disclaimer: Heavy weekend recording could push Saturdays videos into Sunday and/or Sunday videos into Monday, between time, sleep, and family, especially my daughter guys. Our recordings on weekends can be from 11:00 am to 6:30 pm and than there is editing and exporting of HUGE VIDEO FILES. Schedule may vary as new shows are being balanced “


You’re good. I dont have an issue with the topic. Its an exchange of thoughts. Thank you


Hai, hai… I see it now. I apologize for such a pointless argument, uce. I truly do. Forgive me for my indecency that I’ve displayed in public.


This show is so good lol one of my favorites this season. It's so funny and written well and got great fan service lol. That "Pray Help" had me on the floor laughing. Thanks for the reaction Lee team 🤜💥🤛

rune kongstad larsen

bro some people dont think it mid, if you dont like it then walk away. and this one of the bigger anime aring this season so you point of popularity dose not even stand. and if you talking about old anime then they do have onepiece bleach and alot of other really big anime you can watch

Julian Fernando

Maaaan f**k this guy! Luckiest MC ever lmao


Dw everyone's on the same boat. We do get patreon polls so it's fair to have everyone here be able to cast votes. That is, unless you're telling us other patreons that you're above us when we're in the same tier. You can't expect Lee to be putting your opinions over the majority just because you're annoyed. Just chill and watch their reacts on whichever shows you're interested seeing them do and skip anything else.


Can confirm this guy does not speak for all, and this show is deff not mid, its perhaps the best rom com this season. Also your guy's reactions to it are force multipliers can't wait to go through all 20 seasons with yall.

Mochi (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-13 23:37:11 i see what this guy is saying but i think just because he thinks this is "mid" it's not popular. also what they like is not "mid" to them, regardless of popularity and majority of the shows they do react to are by popular demand or vote....soooo, idk what you're talking about and threatening about how much you're paying a month just makes it sound like you're mad cause they're not catering to YOU. this is a democracy.
2023-11-13 22:35:50


You’re literally the only one who thinks this way homie you don’t speak for us at all. Lee is literally one of the most consistent reactor with his schedule and always lets anyone know when it changes. And btw this anime is probably the most anticipated every week by most of Patreon not on the k drama side it’s evident with how many likes and comments each episode gets


lol dude acts like 10 dollars is a months worth of rent


alright I HATE THIS MC

Black Hawk

Beat episode 😂

Jazzy Jinx

Bruh, how you going to see all that thiccness and talk about some arms?? Tf? xD


Lol. Thickness is easy to find its when you start looking at the details that set people apart ha

Oh, That's Wild

I don't envy his position. The idea of having to please 100 women? My fear of letting others down would kill me before it killed them lol


You sound like me trolling some fools on patreon except you sound 10x worse. lmao. At least make it more believable and you already played yourself by saying this is a mid anime. This anime is dope. Better than whatever trash you wanna watch.


Imagine thinking you speaking for the majority. Wow. That is some lunatic shit