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been waiting for the Betelgeuse voice ALL season with ren. matsuoka is the undisputed goat

Justin Yong

Just catching up on this season and enjoying it. Other heroes getting character development. I am kinda thinking spear dude is lust for curse series and that is why his spear had the aura. No spoilers fam.


One small criticism...I wish the show would have given us more on Eclair by now. So much spotlight was on "green hair" last season so hoping we get more backstory. (LN knowledge does not count, there are anime onlys out there)


Done with this show, actually find it to be trash. Making Spear hero look strong is the last straw (half a joke). Actually mean I'm done though.

R'ja Norr

From the looks of it, Bitch is unlocking cures series on the heroes. First it was shield, then (it would seem) spear, and now sword. Will bow be next?


I 100% object to best girl Eclair getting with this Sword chump. She can train him but it should stop right there

Kazuma Sato

I literally thought the same thing when Eclair was interacting with that dog ren. He doesnt deserve her.

Alan Uribe

Pause Director!