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It's crazy how similar this is to what the Ricks did to isolate themselves from other universes. The only threat is beings that can travel between the multiverse because that's infinte enemy boss spawn that can teleport right up to you. Sooo what Morbius gonna kill the other you and take over the role as the dad? Pull a Rick and Morty lmao


HE made yggdrasil


Everybody seems to go right for accepting the “only two choices” HWR presents, either killing Sylvie or letting it all fall. We get time and time again that it’s never as cut/dry as the two options that are given, are we the old man who keeps needing to get taught a lesson?


(btw, our Loki who made it there and claimed the throne was, himself, a Variant, so the other Variants will probably be out there, pending whether they get jealous of this one’s throne. The Sacred Timeline version died) This was probably partially foreshadowed by old Loki’s account of surviving his ‘death’ for several years, and only getting pruned when he tried to swing back into getting involved with the timeline again. So, presuming he has that well of strength, he has proof he can bear that weight.

Xavier Coburn

I think he who remains has the same power as Loki and he gave Loki that power because he thought Loki could take over that’s why he said he paved the road for his time slipping Loki isn’t special he who remains just choose him. Also now Loki is going to officially understand he who remains isn’t a villain because the same situation could happen to Loki where a person tries to come and kill him because they had a hard life in there timeline and that person is going to assume Loki is evil without knowing the struggle and sacrifice he went through just like how sylvie and Loki judged he who remains in the first season. Loki is going to tell that person if you kill me everything dies but they won’t listen just like sylvie.

Xavier Coburn

The parallels between Loki and kang are crazy they both are seen as major villains across almost every universe that kill a lot of people for power or to be a king now they both sacrificed everything to be alone at the end of time if people can Loki as a hero it’s crazy how they can’t see he who remains as a hero giving the fact that we haven’t even seen him kill and be a villain like we seen Loki.


100% on board w/ adorkable, Sylvie caused all of this, she should've took responsibility. When they first met HWR, he gave them two options, either take his position or let him be. Sylvie killed him and never showed up to work. Now Loki, whose worst fear is being alone- now has to spend eternity being alone. (BTW, since HWR offered both of them the job, she capable of holding time together too.)


God of spaghet for sure. Does this lead to the multiversal war? I think they reference earth 616 (antman movie) later in the episode?

Sne Msomi

I never understood Sylvia getting dragged 🤔🤔. She did what needed to be done and everything was planned by kang . Even though she believes killing Him was free will we just saw it wasn’t so how is she still getting blamed . Sylvie never got to live , Loki livedand he did a lot of bad things then he cheated death . This was his destiny, his redemption ark . this was iron man level character development yet sylvie is wrong for setting it in motion… nah man .