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Adam Vialpando

I think Debbie's worried since Cecil was entirely willing to let Mark die last season against that monster on the off-chance that Omni-Man would die too.


ngl i kinda understand what the dad was saying. their powers are dangerous. Eve's in particular can destroy the very fragment of human society just due to her being able to generate gold. Not even considering the possible financial worth of gold may plummet due to it being so easily made but imagine the dad try to sell that golden apple. What if someone sets their eyes on their house thinking they can make gold somehow and Eve isnt there to protect them. the dad is unlikeable from s1 obviously and he got his own issues. Like you could at least keep the food. But it doesnt discredit the fact that the powers they have are dangerous. Eve believed herself to be so much more efficient than the regular workers (which in a way she was) and attempted to resolve issues through what SHE believed was best. Her powers makes her pretty godlike. But she isnt omnipotent nor omniscient. It nearly costed lives. Protocols are set for a reason. Instead of showing off her powers, she shouldve went to those in charge and understand what needs to be done and what she can do to speed things up with her powers. These powers make them arrogant or careless. They need to realize they can cause disasters just as easy as they can save others. Obviously shes a teenager/barely adult so it makes sense for her not to realize this simple reality. Which is why this show and the boys is so good because it shows us superpowers arent all that cracked out to be. This is why Batman is the best. Being rich is something he could control at least LOL.

Roronoa Zoro

23:48 I’m pretty sure those 2 skeletons were those 2 thugs that darkwing caught before he got clapped by omni-man

Xavier Coburn

Cecil isn’t in the wrong at all if someone could even mind control mark and Cecil didn’t have anything to stop mark from destroying the world everyone else in world would be mad there’s a reason why Batman keeps kryptonite around 😂😂 h

God Enel

Cecil is the Male version alternate one is Cecile. (I'm joking about how you pronounce it lee) made it funnier to me cause there's actually a woman version. 😃


35:36 LMAO Lee is funny af


Hes never been “wrong” . any criticism I have is from the position of Debbie Or Mark POV. the justice league was pissed when Batman secretly was working on weaknesses and it almost cost them their lives when he was hacked. But I totally get cecil. I am a Batman fan. Debbie just got me on her side lol.


While the dad has moments of being right. He is yelling at her and doesn’t guide her in a nurturing way. Since he knows her powers are dangerous he can/should invest wisdom into her. He just yells like a carribean parent and doesn’t explain anything. Often without the proper guidance a child will go do it anyways. Basically he is failing at leadership

Lotus Gramarye

The thing I don't get what's with the Amber hate is like, yes she was shitty to Mark... of course she was! She's a dumb teenager (even if she seems more well put together) who's boyfriend is being distant and clearly hiding something for a long period of time. Yes Mark had a good reason to hide... but if he had to hide it then he can't have more than dates with a person. Eve pretty much said as much when he talked about it with her after the fact. She didn't think he'd be dumb enough to try and hide it forever. And so of course she's like actually nice and decent to him now.


The stuff with the cupboards not closing is a brilliant way of showing when you’re hanging on by a thread mentally, the littlest will get to you.

Osiris Cage

16:05: I think the Martian just doesn't fully know what humans do and what our customs are. So he just assumed that he was gonna be killed, BUT that also doesn't mean that they don't kill their kind on Mars for failing a job. Shit, why not both? lol

Trayvon Brown

I'm finally watching this now that the whole season's out. I like the conflict involving Eve in this episode. People get mad about it, but 'red tape' exists for a reason. I'm not saying all regulations are good; these things should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. However, building codes aren't one of those things. Taiwan recently experienced a massive earthquake, but because the earthquake they had in 1999 killed over 2,000 people and injured over 11,000, they revised and enforced building codes to better protect against earthquakes. The result? Only 10 people died this time, with only hundreds injured or missing. Eve building her treehouse in the woods is fine, but if she's going to do work in the city, she needs to follow strict codes for everyone's safety. Honestly, the people who got hurt probably have grounds to sue her—a great lesson for her.


It's hilariously dark that the criminals darkwing hung up there in season 1 episode 1 are just still hanging there as skeletons