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10 not 6

UltrA_ Ojisan

its all Johns fault lol


Damn guess it’s John’s fault

John Ng

Yup, I'm the true villain here. Wahahahahaha!!!! 😈

John Ng

Director freaking out at 13:17 thinking he saw a Spider. My sympathy for his fear of spider. That's a Nasty freak out, pun intended 😜


If it's opposite day does that mean Adorkable is mourning Linne and you and Director aren't? >_<

Oh, That's Wild

Honestly I am kinda with Lee on this one lmao. I find the demons here very interesting as although their existence is antagonistic to humanity, you can't really blame em. Aura did nothing wrong when it came to facing Frieren, and ultimately fell because demons are literally incapable of understanding why one would suppress their mana. She even studied how Frieren's mana fluctuated and ultimately came to the conclusion that she wasn't hiding it. Most of the demons did nothing wrong strategics-wise, but Frieren was there when their rulebook was written lol


Ain’t gon lie I was clowning Lee last week for feeling bad for the demon girl but I actually felt bad for Aura 😭 maybe cause I like her aesthetic better but she did shed an actual tear too


Also with some assumptions let’s do some Math. Flamme told Frieren to restrict her mana output to 1/10th. Aura called that amount the level a mage that trained for just over 100 years would have. When the hero’s party met Frieren, Heiter the priest said she had 1/5th my mana “pretty impressive”. So Heiter at the start of the journey had 500+ years worth of mana. So he was close to Auras level.


If you think about it when Frieren first met Fern she mentioned Fern being "Almost invisible". I didn't think about it for a while, but now that comment makes perfect sense.

ADD Theater

That's the most hyped I've been watching anime since Rock Lee took the weights off to fight Gaara. Loved it.


“I'll kill them all! I'll wipe every one of them...off the face of this earth!" - Frieren to Demons Eren's in the background chanting "TATAKAE!"

Black Hawk

Time stamp 26:22 "kill yourself" 😳😲😳😲😳😲

R'ja Norr

25:46 Frieren: "My poor little sweet summer child, get rekt."

Roronoa Zoro

The whole thing of how strong you come across makes me think of eminence. When that guy who was guarding that gate saw cid and was like “I sense nothing from him. He’s probably a weakling” the attacked to just get diced up

dani oz

26:23 She didnt just deceive the demons, but all of us too. Pretending to be this great mage from the heroes party, but she was just an average Twitter user after all. On a serious note, what this episode told me is that while traveling with the heroes group she still pretended to be average hence why the group struggled with the Seven Sages. But when they faced the Demon King, she went like "surprise mfker" and one shotted him


about how demons see Frieren supressing mana constantly, I think its like if a rich person never used their money and worked a low-paying job everyday and nobody knows they're rich until they notice the person in question never struggle financially

Daniel Borrego

directors got it. goku and gohans training for the cell fight :D


Fully agree Flamme is the woman we all want. Why do I feel it was mistake of Frieren for showing her full mana? Like if any demon was watching that fight would now actually know how strong she is and her whole point of hiding mana would be now pointless to deceive.


37:31 Frieren is playing some 4D chess several steps ahead. She's fighting directly, while alone, and hiding her mana, for the sole purpose of making Aura throw away a few soldiers to "exhaust her low mana" so that Aura will use her own Unique Skill against herself. If you had told me that she had been planning on killing Aura in this way as a 500-year long con, I would believe you.


This took "KYS NOOB!" to another lvl xD


A detail I really like in this episode are the outfits being worn in the flashbacks, all sandles and togas. It helps sell Frieren's age, knowing civilization and society changed and grew around her. I feel like a lot of fantasy and isekai stories exist in a permanant state of magical-medieval-europe no matter how many hundreds or thousands of years pass.


yall ever notice that frieren...is kenpachi of this world?


Demon King did a giga brain move. Dude was like "yo clap all them knife ears" because mana can only be grindset via time spent accumulating it, and only Elves live longer than Demons do, so he got the giga brain idea to just exterminate Elves, leaving only Humans & Dwarves who are no biggie due to the former's lifespan & the latter's lack of using mana


Honestly wish there had been an explosion for that scene tbh


Now instead of kys people gonna be using a meme of frieren saying it lol


Frieren toxic af: KYS


@Skebaba Can't blame you. You're thinking like a strong mage that loves magic. But in order to wipe demons off the face of this earth, Flamme, Frieren, and Fern have chosen to take on this dishonor, to make a mockery of magecraft.

TAC Genesis

demon chick is a servant now, why off her???? frierens lazy life could double up with her taking care of troublesome situations at that point

Ernest Mitchell

Frieren shot the 3 then walked away.


Demons are demons, and if we’ve learned one thing over the last 3.5 episodes, for Frieren, it’s on sight. Servant? Nah, that’s a body.


They don’t have an answer for it, still. At best, they won’t underestimate her, but still underestimate her comrades. At worst, that demon decides disgust at the technique takes priority over warning others, as they’d be considered a liar (though, witnessing Aura losing after trying her gimmick is equally telling, it presumes accurate intel)


13:17 Nasty jumping at a possible spider made my dumb-ass jump as well.


This mana suppression in other shows or universes actually screams danger because it shows superior technique and control.


The amount of unspeakable things I would have done to Aura once I gained control is concering which is why I wont speak further on this matter


What happens to episode 9? 😿


It’s not linked in the collection