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RIP Sophie. She just wanted the bare necessities and a family (T.T) Damn Spacians!!!


man this is the first time i've heard yall yell like that at a reveal in a long time. I love it when good writing's got good reactors in its grasp

dani oz

Peak gaslighting lol


Then I guess she shouldn't have become a terrorist, huh?


I am pretty sure we gotta remember that she’s raised as a child soldier basically. How she got access to gundams lol. The agency the young people have can throw people off lol. They be moving like adults and are mature. But Sophie is a victim of the cycle of war. She’s accountable for her choices. But if you only see terrorist you miss something in the story. Thats my opinion. But…but. She is a terrorist lol.

Sharles Davis Kendy

The A-Eri-Al realization was amazing. You guys rock.