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R'ja Norr

What makes Dekomori's "Des" at the end of her sentences sound so gangster is the fact that she is actually saying "Death" in English but with a bit of a Japanese accent.

rune kongstad larsen

you guy dont have to feel bad for not saying much, if it a good ep and you had a good time, then thats all that matters

Lazzie Boi

I forgot how good this show was😂.

The Wheff

Sanae Dekomori's VA, Sumire Uesaka, is also the voice of Shalltear Bloodfallen in Overlord. I can't help but hear the 'death' and 'de arinsu'.

Random Guy

They honestly need a spinoff with just the otherworld scenes. Those were so cool


I think you may have misinterpreted Morisummer's alter ego lol she's an "angel" she's not some evil crazy yandere[idk how you came to that conclusion tbh but it was an interesting theory i guess? maybe you missed it in the subtitles but she was praying to the sun for blessings and healing powers


She's like a healer type, hence the rosary and the veil lmao 🤣 how you jumped to "crazy tsundere[i know you meant yandere so I'll let that one slide] who worships the devil" was wild lmao


it was a wild first impression lmao i just have no idea how you came to that conclusion 😂


Cuz she comes off as evil, her voice doesn’t sound sweet. She doesn’t sound trusting. Sounds like she’s pretending to be a saint lol. And she’s generally mean at this point until you note her true character. Honestly its my own chunibyo and our own imagination. We don’t take everything at face value. They even call her fake morisummer lol.


lol i see you were affected by the chunibyo strongly hahhaha

Daniel Gonzalez

Ok this makes alot more sense I was kinda confused watching episode 5 and its because I somehow skipped this one think I forgot to watch it and then just went to the new one because I didn't realize