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Peak returns once again for ep 6!


Yay its back

UltrA_ Ojisan

I agree with Adorkable on that trope she talks about post discussion.


bro wtf im rewatching it with yall and im really enjoying it. I thought that this was a ok anime when I first watched it

Jacob R

They aren't ready for the true toxic to come out.


I really can't wait to see who is picked in the end and what they all feel about it

Stivens Salazar

bruh I feel that with almost every anime I rewatch with them lol, they make the shows more enjoyable

John Ng

As someone who already know what happens in the end, watching how they reacted and fight amongst themselves for the one they wanted while knowing the outcomes, makes me wonder if that's how God looking at us struggling and laughing to Himself/Herself knowing how our outcomes will be...

Gavin Daniels

Fr. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the movie cause I knew he wasn’t ending up with the girl I wanted but I might just end up watching it with them now


I rewatched the whole thing plus finally watched the movie the other day because you re-sparked my interest in the series again. The ups and downs for each of them across every single episode make it a crazy ride.

dani oz

The passion in Lee defending his girl lmao


so happy that you are enjoying the ship war, this show does such a good job stir the community! and your reactions and discussions makes it even better so thank you :)


I love how our MC is not a simp. Obviously he knows these girls are super cute, but I like how he keeps being his studious self, haha.


At the end discussion, Adorkable said they will pick the girl he had the least amount of interactions with, but that's not true. I feel like for these asian dramas/animes, the MC always stays with the first person they interacted with: the red long-haired girl who uses glasses (forgot her name, sorry) seems like the one cause their encounters are forcing him and forcing her to get out of their comfortable box and learn a lesson cause they are both super stubborn. The fact that they can learn from each other is a sign as well... Or I could be wrong, lol.


I watched 2 kdramas where she/she didnt stay with their first love interest or the first interaction. And in this particular story it’s quite clear whether AdorkableNerd point is true or not coming up because they make a point of that. Not sure id this is your first watch so i stayed vague ha. If your new dope.. if you already seen it than you know the anime works it out naturally. Not sure what camp your in ha haha


I've never watched a harem anime like this, haha, so I could be wrong. I've watched a loooot of kdramas and most of the time the MC stays with the 1st love interest. This is Japanese though, so it's different, lol. Thanks Lee 😁


The MC picking the love interest with whom they interect the least is a common trope in manga. I think the reason why is because the author is saving the important development between the MC and the main love interest for the last arc. At the same time they're trying to milk the manga for as long as possible. So what you'll often see is a lot of chapters of nothing happening when the other girls/boys are in the lead. Then suddenly, when the author knows they have to end the manga, MC and the main girl/boy get a lot of development and end up together. But this is just one of the common tropes. So what Adorkable says is true, but it doesn't always happen.


This one gonna be a heated one throughout the whole series😂😂😂

Alan Uribe

Future reactions are going to be insane!

Kazuma Sato

Itsuki - Beautiful/Cute Miku - Beautiful/Beautiful Nino - Sexy/Sexy Yostuba - Cute/Cute Ichika - Sexy/Beautiful

Kazuma Sato

Why does Adorkable call Itsuki toxic and hate on her when Nino (the one she likes) is ACTUALLY the genuinely toxic one (so far)... Itsuki literally gets insulted by MC 24/7 yet shes the toxic one for justifiably getting defensive???? She was very cheerful and kind when we were first introduced to her too, even offering her food to Futaro.