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For My Sister I’ll Sacrifice My Government Name  They debating on how Jamaican i am. Just asking folks to say hello haha. No pressure. 

i will be the best little brother if she sees my supporters comment.
My sister raised me and protected me against my ruthless upbringing and took hits for me 🥹🥹🥹.
Almost cry thinking about it but my pops couldn’t reach me if my sister was as around.
Probably the reason i like strong woman that fight back. 



Avoided tears. I’m too hood for that 😤


She considers herself 100% Jamaican due to being born in Jamaica to Jamaican parents, and you 50% Jamaican due to being born in the US to Jamaican parents?

Galado Isma

Love their dynamic ^^


Yes. Lol. So did I. Generally Jamaicans refer to American born ones as half Jamaicans lol. Never questioned it till now lol. Because I’m also American. Could not phathom being 100% American and 100% Jamaican. Especially when i consider it a nationality more than ethnicity…till now

Galado Isma

My parents were both born in Africa, and my brother was born in Canada. However, I considered him to be half-Canadian because he wasn't born in Africa like me.

Black Hawk

Sis telling everyone government names 😂. Think I know the whole family now 😂 Didn't know math would be involved 😂 Lil man my sprite animal. Laughing hard 😂 1+1+1=3 lol Thought only 2 people can make babies but I know now the imaginary child helps out also 😂


Aww she's so pretty. Not the government name 😂 so sweet I love how close y'all are!

Abdul Basit Bebal

man what happen i wanna know... when is the next episode :D what an clif hanger

Destiney Marie

I relate to the first part in so many ways. I was always confused when I was younger on what I was considered😭. My mom is mixed (Puerto Rican and Italian) and my Dad is African American. So when people ask me I just say Im black and white to keep it simple😂.

Destiney Marie

Also I didn’t know that your only considered half of what your parents are if they were born in a different country and you were born in America. The more you know lol.


Bruh that was wild! lol! I get what both are saying and going to throw a bomb into that and say that your sister is **not** 100% Jamaican, instead she is a first generation Jamaican-American (cause she married an american) give that the % you like. Say 25%, then she is 75% Jamaican and 25% American.

Daniel Turner

were we not meant to know lee's name already, that got leaked as bad as a new game coming out


Regardless of anything else, the obsession with percentages is 1000% American.


This sounds like a Light Novel title


100% of both, One's your ethnicity and the other is your nationality 😊 at least that's how I look at it.


Yup, often times people conflate these two because they more often than not go hand in hand. Your nationality has a high likelihood of dictating your ethnicity, but the world is too globalized for that to be the case every time.


I'm gonna asume that it is still more respectful not to call you by your governement name. Still glad I found out :'D

Ernest Mitchell

haha! Aye Lee, I was considered the white boy in the family for liking Anime and listening to Linkin Park.


Lol channel Canon that Lee forgets his govt name has been leaked by himself before XD but this was cute haha. Your sister is so pretty 😍


I think that people confuse nationality with ethnic background and genetics. Example in my case. I was born and raised here there for nationally I'm American, but genetic ethnic background includes being African of multiple groups, and Japanese with some Korean influence. So nationally, 100% American. Genetically, all over the place.