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AAAAANNNNND I am rootin for the bad woman 😭

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10:11 I'm weak. Lee laughing is hilarious🤣. I knew you would like her😍. The bad woman, aka Baek Hyang-hui, is so entertaining.


My girl Hana could have beaten that shit out of that level 3 woman but she got her nails as claws and weaponized her heels. Dope ass scene 👌🔥


Hana is still technically the better fighter, this is why weight divisions exist. If you put a heavyweight fighter against the #1 featherweight fighter, chances are- the heavyweight fighter is winning.


Agree. She got killer kicks and complicated stunts while Motak's specialty is punches and superstrength. Baek Hyang Hui was already exhausted from fighting with Hana that's why he was able to take her down in one punch.

LightMyPath Star

Why doesn’t it surprise me , you rooting for the evil character? 🤦🏽‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣

Ed Hwang

Random thought. I saw ep 1 was posted on YouTube. Now being able to compare watching a full length reaction to an edit. I have a greater appreciation for the work it takes to make a quality edit.


You are sponsoring our channel and we thank you for that. In exchange you get early access, edited also means cut…so you have FULL reactions that youtubers dont see. Also access to videos we don’t upload on youtube

Ed Hwang

My bad. Not how I meant it. It's compliment to the chef preparing the dish, not criticizing the ingredients.