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mitch anderson

Which one do you guys prefer, this or Dangers in my Heart? For me it's Dangers, something about it just makes me feel all nice on the inside


Akane being concerned Yamada is just nice to her because he’s nice to everyone is something I think we’ve all had to deal with at one point lol. Sometimes you really can’t tell when someone is treating you nicer than usual


When asked about glasses girl, Yamada says "she's normal", but about Akane he "is not sure"


That tells us a lot actually. Love that for Yamada and Akane.


Before I say something about this ep, I gotta shout out Director. Don't know if it was the outfit or what, but he be looking slimmer and healthier lately. Maybe it's cause of the ladie attention he be gettin lately, but he glowin. No cap either. 😊 Okay so I love that you both notice that Akane being herself is enough to make Yamada more interested and curious about her. Akane's personality was perfectly summed up when they were in game and she was jumping around excitedly telling Yamada about the raffle and he was just stock still not sure what to do about it. 😄 She just radiates something that makes her likeable without putting on aires and that's a really attractive quality in anyone! 🤗


No facts! I had guys like that in high school and it makes you unsure of your next move if you have further interest. So frustrating! 😅


I mean, a love triangle just requires 2 people that love/like a 3rd person, haha, so it's a possible love triangle. We still don't know for sure if Yamada's classmate likes him for sure, but there are some hints.

strange& sleepless

The reason Akane isn't being sexualised is because this is a shojo anime meaning the target audience is girls and young women. Pretty sure all the other romcoms you had watched thus far were shonen for boys and young men. I'm a woman and I do enjoy shonen romcoms a lot, I'm not opposed to some fan service here and there either, but having none of that for once is honestly pretty refreshing


Thats a good explanation. Also makes sense why its rather “softer”. Like its such a kind show lol. No Gangstas in sight 😭 which I’m now mature enough to enjoy. Also does badly on YouTube (not complaining but noticed)


The boys on Discord also dont see much appeal in Akane much. Very interesting. I see her and momo as..normal girls. The closest to how a woman can be in real life so I also find it refreshing. Working, trying to find a man, going to school, hanging out. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Lol. It’s cool