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I will most likely post DR Stone Tomorrow

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How many people want Lee, Adorkable, and Director to do this dance in the outro? Raise your hands. Lol. ✋


Dr Stone Hype! Yay


I don't know if mash really could have done it. Maybe adorkable took it slightly different but by the time mash knew what was going on either he had to pick to save his dad or go try to beat up the headmaster. The headmaster seems like an endgame boss where he is just more powerful than anyone else. Mash said he would beat the stuffing out of him but that was more so a saying that goes in line with his character.


Lee they legit spell out the words strawberry and chocolate and cream in English at the beginning of the ending every single time we have gotten it so far. You really are slow with things my guy lmao. It isn't even as if you should miss it either because they legit have it in big letters and they pop up as the song says them.