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jason ross

The writers did a great job with beck by making her just crappy enough so I really don’t care whether she lives or dies and it frees me enough to enjoy the story. If I knew this show was this funny I would have been watched this


46:20 Director's face and disgust always get me. 🤣

Xavier Coburn

Tbh joe just puts in his head she’s loyal the men she’s with she was with them before joe we seen it and heard it in the 2nd episode but he’s so crazy he just pushed it aside and since this show is in his perspective he makes us think she’s innocent when she’s just living life. How is he gonna fall in love with someone partying and sleeping with multiple people all the time and tell him self she’s loyal that’s his fault 😂😂 everyone told him even benji he’s a insane serial killer who thinks there’s nothing wrong with what he’s doing he even collects items like serial killers do

Lewis Jr

Enjoy the rest of the ride man. I actually put season 4 part 2 on hold just to experience it with them when they finally reach part 1 of season 4. I’ve seen seasons 1-3 as they came out and been loving their reactions so far. I have been dying to see their reaction to this episode and the next as well.


The best part about this reactions are the facial expressions you guys make. Had me laughing uncontrollably


Really glad you three are enjoying this show, its really quite fun


Director’s disgusted face as well as Lee’s? Priceless, haha. I just love your reactions, especially when Joe started saying that Beck was painting him to be a monster and Director was like “Hold on, wait a minute…”, HAHAHAHA. Oh, and I agree with Adorkable: it’s impossible to know who’s psycho or a murderer (cause Joe seems super normal; in my opinion, anybody that has a motive and is desperate enough can be one.