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not gonna lie the scene with cid and his sis low key hot.

mitch anderson

For some reason not getting the amil notification lol

Jazzy Jinx

Bruh, this dude Cid was seriously contemplating killing Iris for the shits and giggles. He doesn't even have a good reason to do so, he just loves the chaos. That's it. xD Definitely gotta throw Cid into the Chaotic Neutral camp. A rare breed.


Choke me harder mommy..... 0_0


Love this show, keep up the great content


that intro lmao

Hana keiser

Just starting so I can only assume the reactions gonna be awsome but commenting before I forget, you've got this tagged with a "the" instead of just eminence of shadow. Loving this show way more than I ever expected to, might just be because of yall though.


Thanks. Its surprises people’s that it was not in my top 10 anime for 2022. I enjoy reacting with Directornasty lmao. I too don’t know how it would be watching it by myself. A lot of mid shows are enjoyable when we focus on the elements we care about and commentate about


nah lee thats not your sister bro this is an ISEKAI THAT SCENE WAS HOT also you are absolutely correct that is Aizens voice actor


it aint his sister. its like the rudy thing with his mom that aint your mom bro suckle them titties


Lol yea my minds conflicted with its self trying to be right vs politically correct lol


LMAO yo Kyle i was thinking the EXACT same thing...I thought it would be weirder to attempt to make this sound ok...so I didn't say anything out loud lmao...


literally the first thing that came to my mind and they let you know thats how the show feels to with those smiles and him letting that spit come out of his mouth like freya when bell beat the mintaur LMAO


YBRL figured out Cid, he is the incarnation of shallow things. Choking scene was hot and his sister is getting hotter and hotter every episode.


Not funny tho, my mans Cid was trying to wiggle his legs to get her fatass off him


Well we all know if he really wanted to wiggle out he could have...so him wiggling and staying tells a lot about the real truth...


He’s physically one of the strongest people alive and thats my like 100x lol. He could remove the sister if he so desired. Even the choking is something he allowed. Now that i think about it. He’s probably actively allowing her to fullfill the tropes hes doing throughout the show. One of them includes the MC having a weird thing with the sister. Not stating a joke either at this moment. Now i have a take next video thanks ha


Yeah easily, and you nailed it with Cid he is living all the anime tropes. Sister thing is one of the obvious bucket list things he has.


Cids ENTIRE existence is living out cliche fantasy tropes. he sees Rose as the main main character of the "series" meaning the new world hes in is just like a manga to him. his sister also takes a leading role as well. theres a total of 3 people Cid actually genuinely cares about a lot and wants to do well outside of shadow garden and thats Rose, Sherry, and his sister


Haha Kyle's reply makes YBRL rooting for Alexia redundant as Cid cares about her nothing :D. Hopefully Kyle you aren't spoiling too much, but this show is such a big joke for myself really don't care about mystery as it's all about how Cid goes trolling people.


i am anime only the only information is what ive seen in the show. cids inner monologue can sometimes be hard to pay attention to because other people are talking to him at the same time but hes said multiple times things about those three that shows he genuinely cares and hes called his sister the main character of his family arc sherry the main character of the invasion arc when he was saving her from the cult goons and rose as well when he pushed her out of the way saying the main character cant die as well as his inner monologue about how he admires rose and he also gave her power so shes basically in shadow garden now and he doesnt hate alexia at all she just is constantly getting in his/shadows way and calling her a homicidal maniac LOL

Casper Ghost

Iris is definitely arrogant when it comes to fighting; never forget she still believes herself to be stronger than Alpha despite watching her body the demon she couldn't actually harm.

Peacefinder Simply

It’s more a fixed mindset. Her whole identity is her strength and is almost like a mind break to think somebody could be so much stronger and her strength keeps failing her. It’s not arrogance imo.


Well with today’s episode its worth a relook as we were getting to know her character


Iris is just blind to her sister it's not uncommon.

Casper Ghost

Just because she had a good reason for her arrogance doesn't change the fact that she was full of full of false confidence and it was affecting her negatively, despite being shown at least twice that there were others stronger than her by a long shot. Is arrogance not by definition a fixed mindset revolving around one's one greatness?


At the start I am pretty sure the sister was really into Cid, she would likely not deny Cid if he wanted a more romantic kind of relationship even if they were siblings. At least that was the vibe she was giving me and that is why I feel weird about that scene.


I am an anime Incest enjoyer so I ate good today =)