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mitch anderson

Gonna miss this show fr fr


Cid really stole the piano for this one scene and abandoned it in the sewers lmfao.


yall missed it but Cid had said something in the beginning about epsilon having her fake slime boobs and the dress she was wearing covers it up so when he said your figure looks nice he was being a complete asshole LMAO. Lee you just blind to your own villainy. you remember that series i cant exactly remember which one but director had his " were rolling with the bad guys gonna do some guy shit" (in white translation) dance? when yall realized the MC was a villain like character i love yall edit: im still extremely high and i cant remember what i was talking about but Lee and director. its been said in previous episdoes but Cid sees Rose as the main character of the world hes in. thats why he went so far as to give her the power


Ah shit man I can’t remember I am very high it was something you were surprised director was into villains or y’all were into a villain character again I apologize I am in the outer rim of the solar system atm I didn’t read the label on my edibles packet

Kyle Kowalchuk

Cid has mastered the key skill that any Supervillain must have.....Presentation!

UltrA_ Ojisan

Sid easily becoming one of my fave Mc's. The man is an artist.


The reason Rose didn't want to tell them is because she's a princess and if she get involved it means her nation would be as well. There for if anything would brake out her nation would be involved as well. Meaning that her people and soldiers would get drawn into a war or government actions. Rose is thinking big picture while Alexia isn't.

jason ross

I watched naruto then hunter hunter and realizing how naruto was pretty much a copy paste from hunter hunter while watching it was a lil shocking. So hearing naruto also took from dragon ball z isn’t too out there for me

Jazzy Jinx

I know one thing though, whenever Cid decides to clap one of these girl's cheeks they're getting the rose petals, the bubble bath, candles, the whole 9. This dude rizz is in another dimension. xD


Lol, once she got the power from shadow, she started acting secretive and edgy just like shadow!


Grandma made me learn piano before I could learn guitar like I wanted. I got pretty good at piano but by that point I grew bored of going to the lessons and I wanted to play guitar because it was the "cooler" thing to do. Sort of regret stopping now because as an adult I admit piano is dope. Being able to do it just allows you to be classy af and having that ability to pull out at random is cool. I could probably get back into it but the piano I had is gone now so I would have to buy one and relearn everything. Plus it was one of those pianos that cost a pretty penny. I never bothered with the mediocre keyboard type of pianos. They are good for children though.

Donnie Williams

I'm sorry but Rose Alpha and Delta are the best girls. Alexia cooland yall be giving her a little to much credit. I get the last quincy vibes when it comes to her. LOL yall over sell what see be doing. Also I think Rose would beat her with out the power up. Also Naruto woulda let Sasuke clap. to funny. Cause i'm not that he would say no. Now Goku and Vegeta is kinda hard to beleive cause they friendship is built off fightint. If they ain't fighting them niggas ain't hang out. Naruto and sasuke actually like each other just to hang out. Naruto ain't never really wanted to kill Sasuke. Great reaction as always.


Beethoven is in the public domain so you should be free to not have to mute the song. Its one of the reasons you hear the music in TV shows and Movies so much, the creators don't need to ask permission.

Jazzy Jinx (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:34:21 Like the OG Looney Tunes as well. You'd think cartoons back then were just more sophisticated but I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to spend any money on composing something brand new. >_>
2023-01-26 07:37:56 Like the OG Looney Tunes as well. You'd think cartoons back then were just more sophisticated but I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to spend any money on composing something brand new. >_>

Like the OG Looney Tunes as well. You'd think cartoons back then were just more sophisticated but I'm pretty sure they just didn't want to spend any money on composing something brand new. >_>

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 14:52:11 BTW, there are the 7 shadows. 4 elves, alpha, beta, epsilon and gamma. 2 beast people, delta and zeta. 1 human, eta. Then there are the numbers who are a mixture of all races with most being elves and very few being human. All female btw except for shadow.
2023-01-26 11:47:01 BTW, there are the 7 shadows. 4 elves, alpha, beta, epsilon and gamma. 2 beast people, delta and zeta. 1 human, eta. Then there are the numbers who are a mixture of all races with most being elves and very few being human. All female btw except for shadow.

BTW, there are the 7 shadows. 4 elves, alpha, beta, epsilon and gamma. 2 beast people, delta and zeta. 1 human, eta. Then there are the numbers who are a mixture of all races with most being elves and very few being human. All female btw except for shadow.

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 14:52:16 Never mind. Eta is an elf. She makes to few appearances and her ears are covered in all scenes and illustrations from the novel.
2023-01-26 11:48:50 Never mind. Eta is an elf. She makes to few appearances and her ears are covered in all scenes and illustrations from the novel.

Never mind. Eta is an elf. She makes to few appearances and her ears are covered in all scenes and illustrations from the novel.


Haha. About Alexia. I’m always happy when someone doesnt like mine as much so there is more for me basically lol. Alexia is the first girl to make an impression on me and ge development very similar to Rukia. So she always the loyalty buff if that makes sense. I tend to not stray to far with this lol

John Ng

I wouldn’t say Alexia wasn’t thinking about the big picture. She doesn’t know the whole story. If she knows what’s happening, I’m sure she’ll make the same decision as Rose, not to get them involved too.

Donnie Williams

I get it. Honestly i'm surprise I like aipha and Rose so much because I usally go the dark hair ladies but there just so top tier. And Delta well you saw how good she look in that episode were she was fighting. Also a sleeper chick to me in Bleach is soifon. She super underratted


F Alexia problems, poor BETA she has to watch Shadow just get more girls and never notice her :D

Cameron Eldridge

yall are the best just wanted to say that. keep it real

Casper Ghost

Getting your kid started with Piano as early as possible is one of the greatest things you can do for your child as a parent alongside teaching them other languages before school-age because they can always make a living with basic piano and/or foreign language skills.

Casper Ghost

That's the way to do it boss! You'll also want to expose her to Asian, Arabic, and African languages a wee bit even if she doesn't actually learn them at all as they have sounds and words that you can't process properly neurologically unless you're exposed to them by puberty or so. The brain starts to streamline it's processing during puberty so it closes off "unnecessary" things that it hasn't been exposed to; its one of the major differences between true linguists and normies actually so its something that can seriously expand her options as an adult. The same is fairly true for music and instruments as well; right now her potential is effectively limitless as her brain takes in and changes shape to match it's challenges. That's also why you'll want to make sure she's not breezing through it and is actually challenged though preferably having a great time while challenged. I regularly used to tell my students that if they didn't get stressed out at some point in a solo lesson and and didn't have to conquer that stressor then I failed as the instructor in assigning that as it's only through challenges (and the release of cortisol followed by dopamine when they succeed) that the brain properly changes shape and develops new skills. Sorry for replying with so much amigo (I used speech to text and went a little overboard lol); I could talk Educational/ Developmental Neuroscience for days. The infinite potential of children to learn skills is absolutely amazing to me.

Casper Ghost

Korean is the best Asian language to start with as it was specifically designed to be learnable by commoners within a month or so back in the 1400's. It's particularly good in this case because you could challenge her to learn with you and use games and challenges to accelerate her growth and likely get your ass kicked linguistically. lol Sorry my teacher mode was activated.


Ha. Her mother speaks Spanish and goes with AdorkableNerd’s sister to spanish church. So that side is natural. I work on japanese personally. I’ll post a short but we do that together she is my study partner. Everything else. I don’t have the time lol. Oh she learns Spanish at school too and Greek randomly. We live in an area with a good population if Mexicans/hispanic. So that route definitely is a priority

Casper Ghost

That's huge! Greek and Latin were some of the best things I was taught as a kid because they go a long way in English and are shown to help develop Verbal IQ as well as Linguistic IQ, both of which are hugely marketable and just helpful for learning and deciphering vocabulary in the West. Japanese is better for this purpose than Korean since it's harder and has a larger variety to the sounds but its also harder to find native speakers to practice with; for Korean I was going to offer to hook you up with my older brother who's from Seoul and has kids the same age; but it sounds like you've got everything set. That's impressive man; your daughter is really lucky and frankly so is the future world; we need quality education for our kids and right now that's entirely up to the parents unfortunately. You're honestly doing one of the best jobs as a parent I've seen professionally speaking, its awesome to see man, and its obvious from when she pops in that's she's happy and healthy and you're actually doing what you say. I don't know if it'll get off the ground as my health takes most of my time but I've recently been working to set up a site or likely Discord for parents and kids to be able to exchange teaching concepts and experiences and more importantly to offer a controlled space for kids to practice various subjects together like foreign languages or music. Is that kind of thing something you would be interested in as a parent? It would be supervised by the parents and/or a licensed teacher so she could still do stuff like that while you're busy making the bacon; its similar to what a lot of homeschool parents used to do in the 90's and early 00's. Since kids learn best together, especially when helping teach each other, that just seems like the best way to help them from my perspective. Sorry; again I chattered too much. lol

Ernest Mitchell

Dragon ball did it first but Naruto popularized it.


So, I have a theory about Alexia and Delta. I think Alexia completely suspects Delta of being an overly capable person. I don't know in what way she thinks she's capable, but she keeps calling out her BS. I also think Alexia likes her way more than she's putting on. I think she feels some kind of kinship with her.