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I dunno, if i'm supposed to like this Villain...but the VA went OFF and i have a weakness for that....lol...sorry in advance.

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RakuD Chu

I like the edit at 32:50


omg early upload <3

Kyle Kowalchuk

I like the Subtext for the Cid and the Vice Principal Barrnet. Despite Cid clear statements on how he Trims the Fat on his desires and goals it is clear here in the anime and in the LN (even better) that the Vice Principal's actions are not something Cid/Shadow can overlook. Cid has a complex moral compass. I also love the fact the Shadow finished him off the same way he kid Sherry's mom. This and Shadow's comments cause him to understand that Cid is Shadow in his last seconds of life.

Coping McCoperson

dawg there aint no way. Director with that sharingan


Yeo chill I'm literally at work in a meeting

Kyle Kowalchuk

While I understand your points on what the father was thinking, I am pretty sure he was not upfront about his motivations with the mother. Also the father's comments on the busshin festival tournament was likely a comment how that is only for the general masses and public fame. He was mentioned as a former member of the knights of the round in the cult, this is likely the true peak he was seeking to reclaim.


The father is a very bad man. I was pretty much just being dumb using “good” points. I found him entertaining is all. I kinda put the caption there as my disclosure


good lord man this wasnt supposed to go up so early my wednesday routine is all fucked. LOL not complaining tho


I'm saying, Lee really jacked up my schedule


It was work, go home, wait for lee to upload then dinner.. Now it's work and find someway to watch this thing on the train ride home lmfao


Do they mention masks in the light novel? In the manga they have them, so I'm confused how he's just walking around without people noticing who he is.


Yeah Director went outta town early. So i was able to post earlier. Not much recorded today

Mikal Adkins

That's bothering me too. Granted the masks only covered their eyes in the manga it still would have been better than nothing at all.


Yea they also have them in the novels so I don't know the point of removing them. At least they changed his eye color when he is in Shadow mode if thats any consolation

mitch anderson

You like the VA of the dad then you should watch Golden Kamuy. It is right up your and Director's ally lol.

Jazzy Jinx

Yo, those Shadow Garden girls all talking in unison... Nah man, this dude Cid has a whole damn cult. xD Bro got a whole group of yanderes ready to kill anything on sight. That's a whole ass problem. xD


32:51 Was that Future Lee or Shadow Lee?


Ha. Shadow Lee. I was actually looking for that in the beginning of the reaction but couldn’t find it lol

Just Chilline

Im pretty sure the VA of the father is the same VA for Jiraya and Montblanc Cricket


I looked away just as Rocky Lee stepped away from the camera and caught DN in the corner of my eye and had to do a double take cause it look like he suddenly had a shit ton of tattoos on his arms.


The manga does the villains reveal better than the anime does, it hides it all the way up to the villain's monologue.


9:57 Scene was not in the manga this can be ignored.


Not clear here but he realizes as he dies who Shadow really is and in the manga even says his name.


This episode is his Ainz telling Clementine that he's a hypocrite episode. The only reason he had to inflict the same wounds as the villain did to the mother is because he was angered by the villain's actions no matter how he tries to play it off.


So we got future Lee shadow Lee what’s next Historian Lee coming in with the straight facts?


It will be so funny if she really will be the death of him, killed by the one you spend energy to save.


Yo I’ve never spotted cope in the wild. What’s good fam


The Eminence in Shadow mobile game has just come out if everyone is interested. I haven’t played it yet as I’m part of the closed beta test for Black Clover mobile but as soon as it finishes I’ll be playing The Eminence in Shadow mobile

John Ng

I’m anime only, thus I kept expecting the device she made was flawed somehow, because unconsciously she knew he was her mother’s killer. So when he activated the device, it backfired and caused him to suffer and dies. But I’m wrong, and things turned way darker than I expected for her.

Daniel Turner

and thats how u make your own villains


manga is not the source material lmao. The LN is


Completely forgot it was releasing Global near the end of Nov, gotta try it out


Nah Shadow Lee was funny asf. I didn’t expect that


Also its kinda wild that these chicks are willing to throw away their morals just bc Cid doesn’t want to be righteous. That’s loyalty right there

Random Guy

I dont think the girls were trying be morally good at all. They were just surprised because all this time they thought shadow was trying to be the "good guy" by defeating the "evil" cult. But because of what Shadow said, they realized that rather than trying to be the side of justice, he just does what needs to be done. Kinda like how killing pests doesn't necessarily make you (shadow) the good guy, you are just doing it coz if the pests destroys the crops, you would go hungry too. But you can understand how other people (shadow garden girls) can see you as the good guy because what he does, coincidentally benefits everyone ( innocent civilians) as well.

Sébastien Jean-Pois

Didn’t even realize that Cid repeated why he heard as Shadow, I just thought the VP saw his face at the last second.


Pretty much this, as he only monologued to himself in episode 1 that he didn't want to be the hero or villain. Never told the girls


honestly diidn't even catch it was the same VA until you said it