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I'm a year late on this but personally Homelander is worse than Butcher(at this point in time that I'm watching) on principal because he's a grapist. :/ Not the first time a debate topic has been brought up on who the worse evil is and one has been a grapist but I feel like that should be debated with a bit more care.


Are we just gonna ignore that Homelander is a whole ass grapist?


I see your focused on the graping part. Gotta wait till we hit season 2 and get Beccas side cuz the boys just heard people saying it but didn’t know how true it was until she confirmed it. I thought a plot twist was coming up


I understand your perspective, and I'm just on the other side of the spectrum in my thought process personally...from a writing perspective, I thought it kind of tasteful that the only form of grape actually visualized was when the Deep was violated and it shows just how vastly different people react to different stimuli. We never see the women get violated, it's only insinuated or talked about, but we visually see the men get assaulted and violated and groomed. Just personally find Homelander to be...particularly icky for what and who he represents as an archetype in the show.

Ophelia Pane

Butcher is right most of the time. Also calling Deep average (5/10) is crazy what type of people yall be walking around in yall day to day.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

To be fair Butcher has been a very obvious dick and vengeful mother fucker from the beginning. You guys just don't like that it's messing with "good" stuff now.


Good reaction guys. The fact Mesmir made the wrong choice just to get some kind of compensation from Homelander wasn't worth it.


I just want to say that butcher is a racist and homelander is not. That alone makes me like homelander a whole lot more than butcher.


I think the way the show portrays him could make people see him like that. Like his hero outfit and him in general just reeks of sleaze. He plays his role too well lol


Lee when Hughie first saw her in her new costume he had to distract her before she saw frenchie and they went to get nacho or something. I'm pretty sure Hughie turned off a wire he has on him when the convo starts getting deep so that Butcher couldn't hear. I think maybe that's what you thought of. I can't remember what exactly they were doing though

Adam Vialpando

Dude, how is Butcher racist? And even if that were true how is that possibly worse than Homelander? He literally views everyone around him as worthless. Homelander is an asshole on a whole other level.


If Supes are made then they're not a race. The're not even grown in a lab. Normal babies are given drugs.

Ky Williams

the boys need to listen to butcher now they got homelander on their ass🤦🏽‍♂️


This show is sooo goooooood I might have to just continue watching on Prime myself and also keep watching the reactions. I can't remember what happens next super well and I wanna know noow

Teyon Alexander

“Maybe hughie’s power is he can see dead people” in an episode where Mesmer is the kid who said “I can see dead people” in the sixth sense is kind of a funny thing. Adorkable must have sensed it or something lol


I mean, when the whole "race" (besides annie i guess) are a bunch of murderers and awful people then..... let's round em up 0.o

Black Hawk

My question is I wonder if homelander is the first lab baby? It kind of seems like the rest of the superheroes have a backstory


Butcher did lie to the boys about the government assistance. Remember the first time he went to her she said she needed proof of what Vought was doing. She was willing to go after Vought, but not homelander. You have to remember Vought has over 200 supers in their organization. Butcher told the boys and thats why they decided to get proof. So when he came back and said she wasnt interested that was a lie. She was interested in exposing the Compound V and holding supers accountable, and prosecuting Vought. She just made a logical decision when it came to Homelander.


Yes, keep in mind she knew that this was overall a revenge attack to get to Homelander. Butcher doesn't care for taking Vought down just Homelander. If Homelander didn't make Butcher's wife a victim then all of this effort wouldn't have happen now.


I like you guys. I like how you guys discuss things. Also the boys episodes are awesome! Keep it up!