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He's just a bitch who gave up in front of a wall he couldnt climb.


The spank was more a reprimand than anything. He did it as he said remember you have to obey me, and she didn't as she wasn't wanting to go with him. And he does need girls for the mission, nothing changed with getting boys as you see in the opening at the end the three are dressed as girls

Natalia D

I might as well start calling Tanjiro the avatar. He can basically do all the techniques if all of them are derived from sun breathing and that's in his blood


Well we will have to see how that goes. As I think it was his great grandfather or something like that we see in Muzan's flashback to those Hanafuda earrings and him reacting to them so strongly. I don't think it was his father, it was just passed along their bloodline and it survived as that fire god dance form.


@Thamor it would make no sense for that person to be his father. Rengoku's father only knew about the earrings and Sun Breathing from a book that keeps records since who knows when.


Did they change the name of this Arc? The name was demon slayer Red Light District but I see it is now Entertainment District Arc. I think they changed the name for advertising.


If the sun is the ultimate enemy of demons, it makes sense for Sun Breathing to be the original and most powerful form, because the sun is the ultimate enemy of demons.


All official sources have always called this arc the entertainment district


This was an unexpected gift right here .


I wouldn't say he was a coward... i mean, if the sun instantly vaporises you, are you really gonna stay?


Regarding Kyojuro’s father: Sometimes it’s easier to pretend you don’t feel for someone, or even hate someone, than it is to face the fact that the loss of that person causes you unimaginable pain. I’m glad he eventually faced his pain, rather than continue to lie to himself.