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I wouldn't say they were childhood friends, and saying she 'lost it is kinda downplaying what happened. Remember he raped her in her sleep, then fled the school to avoid accountability. At best maybe she liked him anyway and would have forgiven him for not asking first before putting it in if he stuck around instead of hiring her as a maid some time later


A strong episode today next week will be really solid as well


The backgrounds and use of the OP to show the world is so goated I love it


While both Paul and Rudy can be seen in the wrong I still thing Paul is still way out of line here. I get he's gone through crap but thats no way for him to treat his child who he hasnt seen and doesnt know that he isnt alive. Very excited for the rest of the season, be prepared for and epic rest of the series!


NOT A SPOILER, Just thoughts The first time news about the Mana Disasters arrived in the Demon Continent was with Roxy and her party. Nobody knew anything about it before that. And as we saw, Rudeus left as soon as Roxy arrived, so he couldn't have known. Once he arrived at Zant Port (on Millis Continent), he went to pickup Ruijerd and immediately got kidnapped by the beast people. He was stuck for months on Beast Territory due to the rain season. As soon as he arrived on Human Territory, he was immediately sending a letter to Paul and his family. Unfortunately, he couldn't send letters from the Demon Continent and he didn't spend enough time on Zant Port. So that's why Rudy never found out about it. In Paul's perspective: In this world, Rudy was always the genus bright kid that learned how to read at 2 and became a water Saint at 5, he should have know better and watched for Paul's letter, but he didn't care, he didn't even have a thought about the fate of his family or Eris' family. The letter was sent to every Adventurer's guild (except Demon Continent) in the world so Rudeus had several chances to see Paul's letter but it didn't even occurred to him to think about his family and check post offices. He said in the episode himself: I didn't think of it. Even Hitogami (Mangod) said that Rudeus had been caught in a LARGE-magnitude mana disaster. Rudy also described the situation to Paul as if it has been a walk in the park, so it influenced Paul's attitude towards Rudy. What I want to say that both of them are right and wrong in this situation.

Daniel Borrego

i like that both sides are both wrong and right in this. thats good writing. I think paul has come to see rudy as being better than him and then when it counted most rudy was just a kid who didnt solve his problem for him. he was probably angry with himself more then with rudy, though rudy talking shit to him wasnt exactly good either. in rudy's defense he probably never thought the mana disaster would have reached far enough to transport anyone else, but at the same time he probably didnt really think that much about it either. but whats more telling is when he heard his village was hit, and didnt ask about his mother, the maid or his sisters, just slyphie. he probably never thought that paul wouldnt find them but he probably should have put two and two together. paul's looking might rough.


You gotta remember that the way rudeus treats Paul isn't exactly like a father either. Their relationship is weird when you go back and have the context of season 1.


Exactly, plus from Paul's perspective it's been a year and a half of anxiety over losing your entire family and seeing it happen first hand too. Seeing people die horrific deaths, be enslaved and raped/killed, and then rudeus comes in acting the way he does. Makes sense Paul Snapped..he's been under alot of pressure

Ranginald Vagel

Paul never the adult in the room smdh. His feelings on the matter were completly fair and justified but the way he snapped at Rudy was childish. Could've explained his perspective and how he was disappointed and upset with Rudy without completely dismissing that he had his own circumstances.


Not just a maid, based on what we already know, Lilia is the anime childhood friend that lost her virginity to Paul.


Nah you guys are trippin Rudy didn't once think about his family the WHOLE time he was gone. When Paul brought up Buena Village and he asks about Sylphie rather than his own Mother Paul proved his point. Rudy didn't even stop for a moment to think about anyone other than himself/anyone he's personally interested in. Not to mention how Paul has always said how incredible Rudy is. The whole time he was struggling in vein to find out the person he considered amazing to have not even spent a single minute thinking about them.


YUP FACTS. Imagine being in the shape Paul is from having to deal with that crap and then the son who is supposed to be better than you hasn't even THOUGHT about it. BIG Yikes

Bryce Jackson

I think Paul is pissed because how Rudy told the story makes it seem like he had it easy. Kinda like if someone you care about is worried about you but you don’t want to worry them so you down play events to ease there worries. I think Rudy has done this to chill out paul with how haggard he looks so he downplayed events


@LLD Nah man you have to think about it thought that just isn't fair at all, from square one they met with the bringer of death ITSELF, were dancing around giant monsters that would kill them in a quick fast hurry if they stopped to think about anything, and were COMPLETELY LOST AND CONFUSED. They were the first to be hit with the AOE and had NO idea anyone else was hit with it, how could they find out how far it reached when they were teleported first. Also knowledge that the person who trained him is alive and DRUNK OFF HIS ASS would imply that if his father is that easy going, hanging out with half naked chicks in a bar/church full of ruffians, that his family is fine, after all It's OBVIOUS his family has Paul and Paul is incredible so at one moment would the son believe that there could even be issues around with Paul there, Hell they dont even know what happened to the village and had NO WAY TO FIND OUT. Go ask someone in Sweden if they know about the going ons of Jackson MS. What point would it serve? He was doing the best he could AND he is a child trying to protect another child. Rudy's mistake this episode was being a child and being light hearted with his real story, the kid has been almost killed HOW MANY TIMES now? If he had just told the trough, shit it's been rough but we made it back, I'm sure things would have been different. (lol I know both sides of the coin, I'm just presenting Rudeus'J)


In Pauls eyes hes a kid, you got to be an asshole to say "bruh my 12 yo son,why didnt u think of the fam, its ur fault"


Btw, Paul let his son mount and pound him. They probably weren't even that painful for Paul and he understood that even if he was being hit, he'd won their "argument", Rudy was temper tantrum at that point. If little norm could push him off, if none of his allies choose to push Rudy off, It's obvious that a fighter of Paul's level could get out of that situation, if he wanted to. ALSO, Paul was easily winning the fight until he realized it was his son. but that wind shrunken uppercut was beast :D


Jesus! This series is so good! If the novels werent so incredibly expensive I would buy them all instantly


To play devil's advocate...your son, who at 5 years old could body most fully grown men, shows up with panties on his head all jokes. He tells you this story that he embellishes to show off (Rudy is always seeking approval). He doesn't once ask about his family or what happened. Meanwhile you've spent the last 1.5 years going crazy trying to find your wife(ves) and kid. You've seen your neighbors and friends be sold into slavery and murdered. Then this little shit starts throwing out low blows just to make himself feel better. I can totally understand where Paul is coming from. Conversely, Rudy is a 50 something year old man who in 1.5 years has thought of his family twice...twice. This is after the Mangod told him that the disaster was wide spread. I think Rudy still has a lot of growing up to do. He is still self absorbed.


The anime really doesn’t do the manga justice in this episode and it probably wont for the next becuase it changed some stuff and when i read the manga I cried and got angry


omg somany ppl in here not understanding how wrong both of them were, no ones saying rudy had to rescue anyone but he didnt even think of his family at all and like someone said he brought ups sylphy before his mom,the LN goes way more into paul/rudy early on in the series and rudy at the end ofthe day has knowledge of an adult. it shows how immature he truly still is while also showing how paul is a dumbass for assuming rudy could know a scale of the teleportation incident and that he had to make sure eris makes it back alive.


@joel in pauls eyes rudy is anything but a kid i recommend reading the light novel 1, the extra chapter that covers pauls thoughts of everything that happened between him and rudy whenhe assumed rudy bullied kids for no reason


A GOOD CATCH BTW IS HOW WELL NORN IS STILL DRESSED EVEN THOUGH PAUL IS A WRECK, shows truly how its eating him inside while still trying to give his daughter the world


Paul is actually not jealous but disappointed . If you read the message or rewatch the last ep of season 1 you will understand Paul's is disappointed because he has faith in Rudy to know what's going on.

A.J. Ramos

If you guys do watch do watch it, the story is very straightforward, personally I don’t think it’s that hard to understand. Obviously the show indeed doesn’t shy away on the savagery of the lesser monster, but I like it for the fact that it’s a man exterminating trash from the world, basically. So if you guys do make a reaction to Goblin Slayer, I’d watch it.

Random Guy

This is how every parent when their straight A+'s honor student child reacts when the kid gets an A once. And as someone who has been through this... it really sucks, when you are so hyped because you achieved something and then they find something bad to throw at you instead of getting that recognition you deserve.

Thamor (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-01 17:40:33 You really need to think from Paul's perspective this whole situation. Rudy just suddenly appeared wearing panties on his head fighting against the S&R members. He told all happy go lucky style his story, he didn't even ask first thing about his parents at all. Where is mom? Where is the others? How are you father. So I can understand Paul too, this situation was just fucked and amazing well written situation.
2021-11-01 17:38:48 You really need to think from Paul's perspective this whole situation. Rudy just suddenly appeared wearing panties on his head fighting against the S&R members. He told all happy go lucky style his story, he didn't even ask first thing about his parents at all. Where is mom? Where is the others? How are you father. So I can understand Paul too, this situation was just fucked and amazing well written situation. PS. Panty trap was too much for Rudy.

You really need to think from Paul's perspective this whole situation. Rudy just suddenly appeared wearing panties on his head fighting against the S&R members. He told all happy go lucky style his story, he didn't even ask first thing about his parents at all. Where is mom? Where is the others? How are you father. So I can understand Paul too, this situation was just fucked and amazing well written situation. PS. Panty trap was too much for Rudy.


I need to say as you brought it up YBRL. REACT TO GOBLIN SLAYER that has been sitting already for years waiting. It's a good anime with only 12ep + movie and first episode isn't what the show is about it's just premise to show why he is Goblin Slayer =)


It's not said "Father of all Isekai" for no reason. This title never is saying that it's first Isekai, but it's on a whole other category to other Isekai stories.

Daniel Borrego

from what i've heard, episode 16 and 17 are ment to be viewed together as like one episode(god i wish :D ) so whatever you're missing might happen in episode 17. dont say what you think is missing though :D

Daniel Borrego

this is why this show is so good. usual trash shows will write one side as wrong and one side as right, a good show will write both sides wrong and right and let the audience figure it out.


I'm not arguing about him having done anything or not. It's the fact he's still selfish only thinking about his own personal interests. Same as he was in his previous life when he skipped the funeral to go jerk off , he's just a self-centered person still he hasn't grown at all that's why he freezes up because he realizes it.


@sim YUP you summed it up perfectly its not the result its his thinking. Rudy is still too self-centered

Luke Alba

Best intro in the business. Wish more anime used this style where they display setting and environment in the intro before actual content.

Daniel Borrego

i suggested that a while ago. i mean if they could handle redu of healer, then goblin slayer will be like a g rated disney movie.


Goblin Slayer is nothing like Redo. Redo is just weird fetish revenge story, while Goblin Slayer is Dungeons&Dragons style adventure story.

Daniel Borrego

you know what just occurred to me? rujerd is like the most useful person ever to find missing people. his third eye can literally track them. so if you want to find people missing all over the world, hes your guy. hopefully rudy will track them down. i guessing he'll meet roxy looking for them.

Daniel Borrego

i think thats why rudy threw up. partially because norn said HE was the bully now and partially him realising that hes still self centered like he was in his old life. i think rudy truely believed he had completely changed. now he has gotten better, but he still has a lot of work to do on himself.

Daniel Borrego

i think im going to join you on this except i might actually buy them. after this season is done of course. its 2023 until the next season and if im going to be honest, i cant wait that long. i tried the manga, but it just doesnt do it for me. im going to get the LN as the extra details are sure to be a welcome addition.


I think no-one has pointed this out yet but Paul kept on telling Rudy "Why didn't you read my message on Zant Port." Thing is Rudy passed Zant Port because he was captured by the beastmen. They were supposed to visit the port after they finished helping out the captured beastkids.