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I'll take six over this jackass any days. At least six is funny. Issei is just a deviant hypocrite.


where did ep 11 go?


what happened to the rest of the fights?

Hentai Man

Issei and Asia are the only underage ones, to my knowledge. I don't read the LNs so I don't know for sure, but they were just recently turned into demons. The others could have been demons for a while(I'm being vague so I don't give anything awayl I get that koneko looks young, but I just wanted to clear up that she's not jailbait, as much as she looks like it lmao. A demons life span is near eternal, so I just wanted to point that out.


Oh. Lol. It don’t really matter what Koneko age is for me. Lol. She’s depicted as jail bait. That’s why I don’t hesitate on Meiko from Prison School. These artists can draw whatever and slap an age on it. Jotaro was 17!!!!! But looked like a good 28 lol. See. That’s what i go off of when watching shows


Using real actors even. We have 28 year old Actors like tom welling playing the role of Clark Kent as 16 lol. But it’s ok to Like him because he dont even look 16. We know damn well that Actor is 28. They just slap an age on the character portrayed.

Hentai Man

Yeah I know, I just wanted to say. They're all fictional characters at the end of the day lol.


Truth. I don’t judge folks for their take on the matter either. Just explaining what’s going on in our heads

Hentai Man

Do you plan on reuploading 11 and 12 today? No rush, just wanted to ask.


Nah Lee, Asia can be his innocent wife as well as I remembered that RIas mentioned to Issei in the earlier episodes ( 1 or 2 ) that he can have his own servants like Rias Evil Pieces if he becomes a High Ranking Demon if I'm not mistaken? Rias can be his Queen and Maybe Asia can be his bishop in his harem? Why settling for only 1 wife if you can have 15 wives as your harem waifus? LOL XD


earlier i saw you posted a episode 11 and it was 12 not 11 so was confused to not see episode 11 fights parts

Brian Carotenuto

Not to be mean you guys make some pretty rude comments when you're watching some anime to actually call him scum I think you might be in the same boat there buddies

Brian Carotenuto

Yes at the end of episode 10 he is the one you called scum I've watched the DxD a few times now I don't think I've ever considered him that way and just considered him a normal pervert like the rest of us

Brian Carotenuto

Side note you've said to look at your schedule but there is no link in episode 9 or 10 of DXD reactions luckily I have that memorized because I love watching your reactions


haha, I get ya, but when you found a girl that not even mad when her clothes got ripped off by the guy she wants ( clothes are like gem and gold for girls anyway), that's a gem right there, you don't wanna miss her out XD


Issei …. A normal pervert? Like the rest of us??? His Super Power is literally that hes just about more perverted than any mortal man 😅. Anyways, I thoroughly love him as an MC. But I’ll speak my mind especially if I’m relaxed and in the zone. You’re gonna have to decide if you want the reactions to be self conscious where I hold back thoughts or edit out comments. We don’t even post this series on YouTube, we do it because we like the show. A lot. I’m not always comfortable with how he juggles these girls and I see Rias hurt several times later on. So if I’m experiencing strong feelings I’m gonna have a comment here or there. I don’t group myself with Issei. I’m married to the same person i lost my virginity to. Things have happened along the road since we met young. So i dunno man.

Brian Carotenuto

Please don't apologize I actually love your reactions I love them for the fact that you don't hold back and you say what you want to say I guess since I have seen the entire series you know all 4 seasons multiple times I guess maybe that's why I'm looking at it a little bit different than you guys who are watching it for the 1st time and the fact that you found someone from the get go and have been with them from the start dude I so commend you for that that right there is totally awesome and by the way I love her reactions as well

Peacefinder Simply

im not a big fan of Issei either, don't blame a guy for being into boobs among other things but he's messed up lol.

The Anime Man

Yaboyrocklee is saying it right

zirath ashe

"Not to be mean" and then you same something thats clearly intentionally mean. Saying "not to be mean" doesn't stop it from being mean. Just want to point that out for future reference.

zirath ashe

Hes a horny teenager that ended up being able to make his fantasy into a reality. If I magically got a super power that would help me with my fantasies, hell yeah im doing it. Lol. Maybe not everyone would use there new found powers and try to fulfill there long time fantasy, but I would.

zirath ashe

I cant reply to rocklee like everyone else can apparently so he'll probably not see this, but in regards to characters, my favorite is koneko. Since I know your in season 4 or even finished 4, this isn't a spoiler... but I love cat girls/nekos. Personal opinion. (Also her name was kind of hinting at it... ko-neko. Lol) (Edit. I also want to add that rias's queen, forgot her name, is on my top 5 as number 3 with rias as 4 and the rias's mom as #2. I love them milfs. Also the valkyrie that was in season 3 and 4 is my number 5.)