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Director is gone. He will be here tomorrow.


I’ll post some of Mondays shows today basically and flip things around.

Also this SHOULD be the last day you get HAMMERED WITH EMAILS LOL. I’m really sorry. Someone messaged me upset because they’d like for me to just replace the links. That’s not what’s happening. I’m uploading directly to Patreon, so it’s a new post. There isn’t another way around it.

Almost any video host i use will give me price trouble as people still redistribute my links lol. Particularly one Piece. And it’s 3-4 videos. Massive space consumption. I did undercover work lol. These people do not care about me....but want to see me in videos. Lol. I’ll never understand people.



Read the first line and it freaked my out for a second lol. Anyway, thank you for all your hard work, reuploading all those past content must have been a pain in the butt but I'm glad I get to watch more of your shows. 😊


Lol hes GONE. NEVER COMING BACK FOR 24 hours lol! Na he’s on vacation for like 3 days since Thursday lol


Yeah me tooo 💀 Almost got a heart attack....


Imagine a post from our boy Lee without typing LOL 😂


That the first time I am glad that I don't have enough money to be a 10$ patreon 😅


Get Hammered with E-mails is an interesting way to put it but i laugh when i just see a +20 on my mail 😂😂


Organization is key. You guys can set up a filter with your email to put patreon mail in its own area. Keep your main inbox from getting spammed with thousands of messages. Patreon's real easy, all notification mail comes from bingo@patreon.com


Well I just cleaning Email every day anyway "IHihihihi"


Yeah email spam to trash week =)


Yeah no worries my email is already trashed it's been my email for subscriptions only lol