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Michael Ocheskey

This isn't a spoiler, but a correction from something you've already seen. Bell doesn't have a move called "swift strike." Hestia said his Firebolt spell is swift strike magic, meaning he can release it without having to recite a long incantation.


Even tho I know she would be saved but I still want her to suffer way more and die


Bro Bell is literally Lee. He'd save anyone no matter how evil if they are women.


Well in my opinion more so than anyone bell and deku are similar to one another. Selflessness and the way they act and not needing a reason to help and save someone. A lot more examples but they are definitely the closest match. But the ending of this episode with Bell and Lili is one of my favorite moments of this series.


Director is that person thats outta pocket at just the right time,be having me on the floor.