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Director was funny when he figured it out, while YBRL was clueless about Dorian =). Dorian really is enigmatic personality, will be really hard to figure out even till the end.


Dorian has got to be the crustiest motherfucker in this arc for sure, maybe the whole show, glad his ass gets clowned out. Honestly hes kind of just like a worse Gaia.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

That was an interesting converstaion in the beginning about these inmates wanting defeat, a way that might make things easier to understand is that what the fighters consider defeat. For Speck defeat wasn't losing it was using everything he had and still not being able to beat the opponent. It's similar he's using everything he has to win and that includes th edisguise because it's part of his arsenal. Also just a little thing is that maybe you guys could pay attention a little more because some of the questions you ask and some of the misconceptions you have could be cleared up by paying attention a little more. Still liked the reaction keep up the good work.