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*update* we updated the meaning of pause lol

Heyyyyyy just an update on how our schedule works. We make sure we give you first access to our videos.  We have shows we record in between breaks of new shows currently.

Log Horizon ( I dont plan on releasing to youtube)


Akudama Drive

Gurren Lagann

We anticipate to upload the shows on youtube after a few weeks on patreon of course.  Vivy appears to be a good show and it's running.  I intended to stream Vivy with Adorkable.Nerd to replace our twitch Falcon and Winter Solider Reactions lol..BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOW DirectorNasty wants to be on board because nooooooooow he knows its apparently a dope show.

So anyways, we'll accommodate him and move Vivy into over drive and pause (as in one week) our current recording of Gurren Lagann and Log Horizon................Season 2 lol.....and Catch up on Vivy and expedite in this week.  With shows like Vivy....if it's something to be Considered...it's best to do it while the show is actively airing....for the good ol YouTube Algorithm.

Long Story short, the videos that are about to be placed on Youtube move up the que fast because it wouldn't make sense to post on youtube and not here lol...and we don't want to post 28 videos in a week for our own sanity and we like a 2 week back log of videos in case of an emergency.. (like US OIL RESERVES) lol...hope you guys understand...

Last we have request Tier Sage of Six Paths that doesn't get used much....this month it got activated 4 TIMES ha ha...i'll have to adjusthow many people can use it at once.

So Far Talentless Nana and Aldorah.Zero were sponsored requests.  We still won't be able to fully commit to either show until we are done with Jojo.  It looks like Talentless Nana and Aldorah Zero will go up for a vote but honestly both seem like good shows based on the 1st episodes.



Oh man you guys aint ready for talentless nana. It's such a good series and I'm shocked it was slept on when it aired


Vivy is incredible I went into it not expecting much but holy shit it has continued to surprise the hell out of me


Both Talentless Nana and Aldnoah Zero are good shows. Nana might be easier for you guys as it's only 12 episode show. WHERE IS MY VIIIIVVVYYYY YBRL!!!! ^^


Y’all are gonna like part 5 ending song 😂


thanks for the info


Y’all took that pretty well 😅


It’s my first time commenting so I don’t know how to say this but could you watch death parade please. I think you guys whould enjoy it as it is a psychological anime and dark and 12 episodes. Thanks.


Pausing log horizon? :(


Thanks for the reply

Kamo King


Kamo King

Love y'all