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To be fair past life Rimuru was a man reborn as a genderless slime that absorbed a female body. Technically the body is still genderless because he's a slime but everyone else knows the base design of that body was a female so that might be why they want him to wear girly clothes or I'm just overthinking it lmao. Also the only "preview" at the end is the title of the next episode that's all.


Treyni is definitely a great challenger for shion and shuna in this series, ngl. She's kinda the best girl for me so far XD


Yup. We know the gender thing objectively. We just view Rimuru as male. It seems be how he identifies himself. Also it’s difficulty for me to view anyone as genderless as human culture is currently one or the other. So I’m gonna say he or she as the pronoun. I wouldn’t call rimuru “It”. It’s a lot of sub conscious elements


I see Rimuru as man, but his body is like BadHabits said from a female. So he is more feminine sometimes in looks, if you really want to compare. Check out again how he looked before he died =)

Daniel Borrego

ya they're really femming rimiru up in this including the bukkake waterfight. such a strange way to go with his character.


Well i think it was more wet t-shirt vibe, but love that you went straight to bukkake waterfight XD