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I will just say it right now as u will have more episodes to follow.. 482 and 483 AND 484 and 485 are pairs ..so if u can, don't break these two pairs apart ( u will see when u reach that point)

Master Awai

Finally today meal, been waiting, XD (rubbing hands)


Whitebeard hugging squard one of the best moments in the arc.. this single scene gives all the info u need to know about whitebeard's personality And u r right.. whitebeard doesnt want to look weak in front of the enemy which may boost their morals and partially why he wasnt using his power so often as he is sick


So basically he is sick, and what he was saying was he does not want to wear the medical equipment (even though he needs it) because he does not want the enemy to feel sympathy for him or think he is weak. I think the translation is a little wonky and makes it look like he is saying he uses it for sympathy but no he is sick because he is old and needs all that equipment but he does not want to fight with it because it is inconvenient and also he does not want to appear weak! Hope this helps :)


Actually Pacifistas isn't derived from pacifist but rather from Pacifier (like that Disney movie starring Vin Diesel). Basically they were designed to pacify a region by capturing and/or eliminating any pirates (or whatever troublesome groups they were set out after). To put it another way they're the next generation Buster Call (which would make them the Mark II Death Star).

BADETTE Robenson

The warlords have animals name : Crocodile, Mihawk : hawk, Kuma : Bear, Boa: Snake, Gecko Moria, Doflamingo : Flamingo


YBRL Now you understand why Hancock is over Robin, but to be fair Robin is close 2nd =)


I couldn’t imagine watching this arc weekly I’d get so pissed if Whitebeard finally jumped off the ship and had to wait a whole week. I chose a good time to catch up


You’re cold for wanting whitebeard to kill squardo lol his explanation was legit and you still wanted him to die haha #teamsquardo


Hahaha. Oh. I still wanted him to die BUUUUT. White beard made the right choice. Seeing how it worked out. I have a minimal tolerance for betrayal lol. Fun fact most of my close friends i knew since grade school like kindergarten. Directornasty i knew since elementary school. There is no male I speak to today on a daily bases that haven’t known since middle school.


Got it. We actually hit a hault trying to jeeo 82 and 83 together. Got it. Than keep 85 and 85 together


You were spitting about the g code and nuances of good and bad at the end


One Piece world is very complicated. The line between good and bad are very blurred. It's all about your own morals and principles.

Dragon Prince

I love the message that Whitebeard said; Don't blame the child for the sins of his father. That's so true cause that's literally what the Navy is doing to Ace


Do Emitter-type Paramecia DFs consume Stamina anyway? Couldn't he just mass-spam Earthquakes etc, without regard for his own stamina rn?