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Do you prefer 3x videos a day or 21 for the werk. For example.

i already have Monday Wednesday Fridays One Piece videos  I can wait to release or release all 21 Early as possible for the week. 

combatants are already ready. Lets see if you know what i mean.

for youtube it makes sense daily. For patreon it doesn’t make as much sense because there isn’t an algorithm lol


kevin (btw i'm a girl)

you should watch Sk8 the infinity one day it’s a skateboarding anime and only has 12 episodes.


Man, that's a lot, I personally think whatever is easiest for you is fine. Just don't burn out 😅😝


I'm for the weekly 😊


Honestly it would be best if you use whatever method is easiest for you guys. We don't want you guys to burn yourselves out, as your reactions are more enjoyable when you're enjoying yourselves and not half-dead trying to adhere to some schedule. That's why I voted "weekly".


just dont burn out


Whatever works for you best, I am used to the daily posting. But I don't mind it being weekly either. I think you guys release by far the most videos from any other reactor.


I like 3 times a day.


Thanks. This just regarding when we post though not necessarily when we actually record. As 70% of videos are recorded well in advance

Chris Curran

I like daily but if its easier for you just to upload them all at one go for it.


Yeah some days. I just got more free time than others. Like I’m bad at posting on stream days lol


As early as possible sounds better for me, especially if its easier for you guys. No big deal either way though


Which ever is most comfortable tbh it all ends up being the same amount .


Fine with whatever is easier for you