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use this link https://streamable.com/wj1ets 

lol......I guess this ARC was like..."I understand ya'll love Zoro and Robin....but this show is about Luffy!" lol....anyways.  I do like Bon Clay a lot...so the ride continues.

Our Reaction schedule! Save it, share it lol.. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VNKDRIUea34xSDVJ2V3IqaRZ-aJyhQ6eovyznOMNcsg/edit?usp=sharing


one piece 432-435 uncut

Watch "one piece 432-435 uncut" on Streamable.



Damn i had a paragraph comment earlier :v Anyhow... this saga is about luffy and his mission to save his brother.. others dont have anything here... they get their time when they need it ( all of them not just two specific character.. as people like all the crew members for different reasons)....also this gives Oda the ability to flex muscle to show us that he can make interesting dynamic teams without the core members.... Erza hates moria more than spandam.....damn :3


That word is fine to say bro, Queer is the Q in LGBTQ+ and all that, but also please remember "OKAMA" is not exactly the same as queer, different language and all that


Drag is more accurate description for okama i think


this entire arc is heavily heavily inspired by the Divine Comedy, so any biblical references or allusions you see are on purpose. The boiling vat of blood is directly lifted from Inferno, where Dante and Virgil come across a river of boiling blood in the 7th circle of Hell to torture souls. Also Buggy (and others at other points like Mr.2), serve as the Virgil like guide.


I think Oda obviously represented the imple down as dantes nine circle of hell... where luffy has to go through literal hell to rescue his brother


The art and animation increased dramatically in the fight between Luffy and non clay versus the cow demon guard. I was hoping you guys would notice and react to it. A reactor that notices art and animation changes gets a 10/10 reaction for me. Just my preferences bro, maybe yous can try adopt and eye for the detail for animation changes, it’ll add more flare to your reactions. No other reactor besides 1 , can notice these changes. So would be nice :)

Luis CK

She's one of those people with the... LOL

Master Awai

i love buggy bro..haha