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12 episodes in this cave 😭😭😭😭


so i'm a spider so what ep 12 uncut

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cute spider reaction yaah


moral of the story 3 people like you, 3 people hate you and 4 people dont care


Very important, but even though next week's (break) not gonna have any episodes, the season continues with a 2nd cour the week after. The show's 2 continuous cours with 24 episodes.


Fun fun! Can't wait for next episodes :)

Hunter De Lupin

It is 24 episodes for this season, next week it'll have a break to coincide with the actual start of the spring season (April 9th).


Monsters are intelligent, not only humans and demons lol. They're at different levels, but even the lowly monkeys were learning mid-battle. Araba might not have intended it, but he invalidated Kumoko's struggles by admitting defeat before the very end.


I like the fact that they only translated the ending song towards the later episodes to avoid any spoilers. That ending song is like a summary of the first half of the anime lol.


As a manga reader, light novel reader, and a web novel reader, I'm insanely glad how the anime is turning out


Yeah i heard that the LN is even better ( like always) and since i accidentally bought them, i cant wait to read them. Although i first need to finish reading Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut. ^^

None ya

and lets get ready the next 12 episodes starts now


Do you guys react to anime ONLY?


Aah nice so we can enjoy full 24 episodes season finally, I have got annoyed with the 12-13 episode part 1 format that so many anime is doing now.


Been on the case that Demon Lord has always been the spider, but there is chance that she somehow could make clones of herself with her parallel minds that would explain the white clothed version of our spider.

Iejir Isk

To be fair, she wanted Araba to see spidey as a threat.... plan... success? And, if Araba is a reincarnated, he'd be as old as Fei...


I'd say the reason is that the info itself is taboo.


this is a year later but this araba fight totally follows the script of a boss fight in a video game. his first stage is the begining and then the last stage is when he spends all his skill points. shes been treating her life here as a video game so i love the nod