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Sorry thought it was done posting lol

“Asyo Kouu

Hey whats good, Lee.
I don’t mean to be a bother, so please do forgive me if you find this question to be annoying in anyway, but is there any chance we can get an ETA on the last Blue Eye Samurai?”

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Blue Eyed Samurai Ep 8 uncut

Watch "Blue Eyed Samurai Ep 8 uncut" on Streamable.



This show is a real banger glad to have watched it with you all.

Asyo Kouu

Lmao! Thats hilariously wild work; cuz I was sitting over here literally forcing myself to disregard the possibility that it was overlooked. ‘There’s no way he actually forgot about this joint, is there? This Blue Samurai heat?…….naaaahh no way, he’ll drop it tomorrow’ And then tomorrow just never came lol; good shit, Lee; thanks for the post, and the reactions. Much love


Hahaha I loaded it and had it ready to post. While things are uploading to Patreon I’ll multitask and edit.