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My thought is because he's now part kaiju the suit isn't able to give that much of a boost to him physically


How our MC Kaiju looks like little bit makes me have "Guyver" anime flashbacks. 6:08 "AAAAHHHH" CRAMP!


lol not me knowing the edit insert is from him watching his mama moo killing voice reaction XD


Heard you guys saying his name so I thought it might be fun to drop what is probably happening with his name. Kafka Hibino probably takes his name from Franz Kafka, a writer who had his writings published by a friend after he died (against his wishes mind you). One of these writings was The Metamorphosis where a man named Gregor Samsa woke up one morning, having turned into a "monstrous vermin". Making obvious parallels with Hibino's case (many interpret the line as him turning into an insect, specifically a cockroach but I don't believe it's ever specifically stated). I haven't read this book myself but I have a copy of it, the one book of Kafka's that I have read is his unfinished "The Trial". Very interesting writer and interesting writings.


Holy crap, that cut to you having the cramp had me rolling. My sides. Please, spare my poor sides!