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edit* https://yaboyrocklee.com/schedule/

Folks are asking thinkings like what about Konosuba?

Like…i wrote the schedule is updated. You just have to look at it rather than ask and wait for an answer hahaha

First…bodied my kid in chess…i later found out the wife was in chess club when she was younger. Lol. My whole marriage has felt like a chest match and i see why…

I won though cuz 🧍‍♂️…lol

The schedule is updated. I have room for 3 ANIMES this. This includes saving space for MHA & Demon Slayer

Kaijo No. 8 is strong consideration from what i hear.

Misfit is a firm NO.

We didnt finish season 2.

Was confused most of the time.

The irregular at magic school was a patreon only as its copyright strict.

Right now i am working on shows that post both on YouTube and patreon and will see what we have room for once we are settled.

At some point i would prioritize Irregular At Magic School over a mid Anime if thats whats left.

Also its a duo spot. AdorkableNerd never seen it.

I have limited time there. We will see.

I currently added western live action into the steady rotation which also is why you’re not seeing movies regularly.

Shogun is currently the live action that’s interesting to categorize. But John 🤷🏽‍♂️. So it’s western 😜


I bought a chess board after watching Apothecary Diaries haha



I think that "The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior" would be a good fit for you guys and this community. It just finished its first season a couple of months ago and I already want the next one to come out already. Anyway it can be found on HiDive if you're willing to check it out.