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LMFAO. Director nasty put a tissue in his nose to stop leaking.

Lmao. That is not a booger.

I thought the same thing and said something but yall madd funny lmao



Jed U

Just curious about the schedule for next week’s K-dramas. With Marry My Husband only having 2 eps left, is the plan to start a new show on Fri? I know you mentioned maybe doing TW 3 times a week, would that start next week and take the M/W/F slot and push the last 2 eps of MMH to Tu/Th?


Yea we have twinkling watermelon to post more. I gotta check out the kdramas people are actively watching and make an update or poll


If it's just snot, like the sinuses, then eat a tablespoon of paprika you'll be fine.