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We react to every anime out that makes sense for a group reaction channel to record, edit, post.

All recording slots use up the time one could be working a job.

Once we covering as much as anime as meets that criteria. We explore movies and live actions.

In addition…i dont even have the ability to binge slow shows back to back and the variety of content makes the day fun.

We mix up shows

Its not secret I thought Shangra la was MID when we first started. I couldn’t watch multiple shows on that level.

I now really like that anime and i have the manga for it

Some folks can just be watch every anime out. I read people who knowingly watch lots of trash and complain that its trash and watch it anyways. Lmao. NOT ME fam.

I dont got that Luffy will power yall got.

There was no hesitation to add Ninja Kamui despite how much shows we have.

We generally can always take in an anime if we deem it so in part cuz i am highly selective in the first place.


Dropping Content To Add More Anime?


oussama Lemouchi

I think you guys are covering enough/More content each season. Am satisfied with the quota, Keep up the good work and have a great day.

Wesley Davis

Are you planning on adding Shogun anytime in the future? I know in the YouTube comments on the community post you mentioned it was pretty much 1 or the other when it comes to Shogun vs Blue Eye Samurai


We chose Blue Eyed Samurai. We were interested in Shogun it has a girl from the show Monarch we really like her OMG. But looking at YouTube. I think blue samurai will do better with our audience