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Why There Isnt Avatar Anime Reactions On @Yaboyrocklee


Roronoa Zoro

I still hope we get some of these longer series. I get why we’re not getting ATLA cartoon reactions. I’ll just anxiously wait for your decision. There’s a few longer series I’d like to recommend whenever you’re in the market

Nicholas Castillo

I appreciate these videos it’s actually getting to peek in the mind and viewpoint of reactors I never thought about it but “views” does have an incredibly negative side. The abortion part might’ve been an extreme example, but I think the analogy works really well and perfect for explaining how you choose your words I never even thought about the mental fatigue that goes with re-watching an entire series and it makes a lot of sense that you’d go with the new one because curiosity will carry you through the slow days And it was one thing I found I liked most about your channel versus some other react channels was that you had a real commentary and Director can spend 20 minutes talking about a show after the episode is done Some reactors after the episode is finished they just say OK that’s it. Thanks for checking out our reaction bye but for me what really pulled me to your Patreon the last couple of years was re-watching some of my favorite shows with y’all over and over again and also the in-depth commentary that I’ll watch with y’all and then I’ll get to talk about these ideas and stuff with my friends or my girlfriend. much appreciated. Mind me asking what your screen capture technology is?