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Ozai Was Right about the 11th Squad. Glory To The Fire Nation

Avatar the last Airbender Netflix.


Xavier Coburn

Everyone says ozai is a bad dad for banishing zuko but If you think about it ozai’s decision made zuko one of the best fire lords and one of the strongest fire benders ever so when people say he was wrong he was actually right.

Xavier Coburn

Imagine if you have a billion dollar company and you let your spoiled teenage son have a opinion on your company during an important meeting and he comes up with a bad plan during that meeting and you don’t get that mad you just explain how his idea isn’t good then someone on the board gives another plan that you like and instead of talking to you privately your son yells that your plan is stupid in front of multiple billionaires even though he gave a equally stupid plan also then you kick your spoiled rich son out the house after beating his ass tell him not to return and 40 years later he becomes the president are you a bad dad