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this story is so interesting!


Hasnain Khan


tiana britton

It isn’t the teacher. And no spoilers of course but even with the loops everything doesn’t happen the same way. Like Juiz revealed a few episodes ago and what Fuuko saw when she touched apocalypse…what happened in each loop depends on the members they’ve gathered at that time before the world ended

Nicandro Yanez

Andy’s didn’t want to talk about his past because he was afraid that Fuko would leave him, but as long he can remember her he’ll never be alone. Also she didn’t travel in time she only experiencing the memories, but you can say she influencing the memories

Ginger Dwarf

"Man I hope my favourite president is enjoy a movie! I should go check on him" -I dunno victor probably

Kaden W



When the pacing isn't on some bullshit this show really is A+.

Nicandro Yanez

It’s funny you mention that in the manga in a compilation of panels, it seemed in one of the loops he did safe the president


The katana Andy has is the unbreakable sword made by ishin. He’s the guy on the round table that is in the samurai armor


Also that’s not the chick that got turned into a zombie. Those are two completely different different people


Reading Rainbow missed opportunity. Also this show continues to highlight the human condition and how low people can sink. Rare occasion Andy had the lion's share of sympathy over Fuko. Also... "Gimme your soul."


Next episode is gonna be wild I literally can’t wait


Could have been like this the whole season ffs, no idea what the studio were thinking


I blame TMS Entertainment more than david production

General Grevious

Something about the title of this video and Andy with his dick out in the corner just made me laugh😂


It’s less of Fuko telling Andy where to be actually changed the past, it just changed his memories of the past. They are still inside his “book” his memories. So while she never told him to meet her on the bridge irl, in his memories from now on, she did, which changes their dynamic because they always knew each other.


would you rather have terrible filler in the middle of a arc? they were given x amount of episodes for the season so they have to stretch it somehow, this doesnt taint the story since u can just skip3 mins of recap easily and continue to watch like normal lmao


if they adapted it normally it would also end in the middle of arc super uncomfy spot so this is the best they can do

StorySmith []

You can tell that the manga is of undead unluck is a One Piece fan not only does Andy look ALOT like captain smoker but also that “when do you think people die?” Line and Fuko’s response “when people stop remembering you” that straight out of One Piece’s drum island arc


Fun fact a couple years back in weekly Shonen jump, I think it was to celebrate chapter 1000, all the current mangaka in jump drew their mc next to a one piece character and tozuka the author of UU drew smoker

Nicandro Yanez

The mangaka listed 3 of his favorite OP characters and number one is smoker and his design was on purpose

StorySmith []

I think I remember that color spread. I remember the dr. Stone author drew Ace


the next few episodes gonna be gas (manga reader)


Lmao I thought at the end that the bell ring would synchronize with the “to be continued” but it literally just popped up abruptly. Thought that was funny asf 😂😂

Matrim Hall

Most of the things in these flashbacks carry over only through Andy's memory, so I don't think you'll find anything he used in the other timeline here.

Thomas Holman

That’s a wild date. The time and place Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

The GoDKing 27

FUUUUUUCKING CLIFFHANGER. TIME TRAVEL TYPE shit be confusing af so if so wrong don’t feel too bad.


why did that end convo with andy and fuko actually make me cry lol

A. P.

My favorite episode so far


That's so funny they were so locked in at the end lmaoooo