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strong first start! sorry for the weird cuts, chaotic recording session for some reason, phones ringing people soliciting at my door and soundbar issues all in one


PJ Rivera

Not as bad as people were saying it was going to be, good start from the episodes I’ve seen up to ep 3 omashu



Boomerang Guy

Binged the show except for the last episode. Not bad, but not necessarily good either. The show feels forced in a way. And as a massive fan of this universe, it's disappointing.

Bria A.

Now I’m interested to see your reaction, because the reviews and feedback (and promo clips I’ve seen) are… not good, lmao


They introduced boomy the kid in the wheelchair his dad and jet all in the same ep it’s okay for people to say it’s not good lol

Kenisha & Kim

I watched everything and I loved this adaptation people are just being picky and closed minded 😂😂😂😂

Michael McDoesn'tExist

No wayyyy. Based on a teaser I saw for this plus the articles that have been coming out about it, I expect this show to truly bad. I guess time to find out


Im on episode 4 and im really enjoying the ride! the Animated series is still the most superior but still i find my self smiling watching the live action!


Truthfully it’s ok not really good but it ain’t crazy bad. But it don’t matter cause the real avatar is back in 2025 let’s gooooooo

Trayvon Brown

It's an alright show. The exposition dumps are crazy sometimes tho lol. Like we aren't dumb, writers. When Gran Gran literally starts saying the intro i started dying laughing 🤣

Big Daddy Dre

Cool first episode just don’t like some of the changes that were made


Such a meh adaptation. Not the worst show ever made, but when you compare it to the original, like… I’d rather just rewatch the original

KS Neelesh

I binged the whole thing, obviously since its one hours episodes they are going to make a few changes here and there not a 20 minute episode like the animated series, but overall I enjoyed it. The bending and the CGI looked great. I liked the portrayals of the characters and i think the actors will continue to grow in the roles. They are largely keeping loyal to the original show in terms of the main plotline, so I am happy with it. Id give it an 8/10. I never expected a shot for shot remake of the original, so i like the changes here and there.


I think the writing in the show took a hit from the sag writers strikes but I wouldn’t have been mad if they had just copied the original. Also, there’s so much they changed. I’m finding it hard to get past episode three.

Danger Tomato

Well I tried. Not for me


Lupa need to watch the movie so he understands just how AWFUL it was 😭😭😭😭😭 and hit much better this is 😍🙏🏿🙆🏿‍♀️


i’ve watched 3 episodes so far and the characters and dialogue just feel soo off but i do still enjoy parts of it. at least appa and momo are cute

Champion Bescos

Damn. It’s NOT the worst show ever. Not even close. It’s also just not very good. There’s so much to like and enjoy here, undoubtedly, but the writing and directing unquestionably drop the ball. Hard. And it brings all the passion and talent from hundreds of people down. Big changes and small changes add up. No one expects or even wants a 1:1 adaption, honestly, but for every interesting or creative change they make that benefits the world building or the lore, they make two decisions that detract from the essence of the characters and themes or muddy the waters with mixed messages. I thought the show was disappointing. I hate that everyone who liked the show just says “People like to hate. People have unrealistic expectations. People like to nitpick. People want a 1:1 recreation.” When, no, people just wanted the heart and soul of the world and it’s characters to remain intact. Some of it does, some of it unfortunately doesn’t. Here’s hoping season two is better.


That was way better than the whole movie!! The bending is soooooo much better, the characters and actors better. And I love the storytelling honestly. I see why they made it more serious. We watched it originally as kids so we had to be eased into stuff. As adults, we don't as much, especially already knowing the story. Plus, they knew that most watchers would be the OG watchers and they had to capture our attention fast!! So I get why they rearranged stuff. I DIDN'T THINK I COULD HATE THE FIRE NATION MORE THAN I ALREADY DID!!! 🔥🔥🔥🤬🤬🤬 So far so good to me 😊 P.S. I'm glad they showed Earth Bending immediately!!! Cause that was one of the worst scenes in the movie and they did it perfectly in this show

Robert L

People who want an exact copy of the cartoon are retarded.

Hasnain Khan


Devin B

Honestly as long as it's better than the movie it gets a passing grade from me


This is a pretty good start not as bad as I was thinking it would be


What was better, in your opinion? THIS? Or The L-A YuYu Hakusho? I hated the changes, but DID love the choreography and the excuse to make a kung-fu zombie show lol.

Boomerang Guy

My feelings exactly. I feel like how the hardcore Percy Jackson fans felt about the Disney Plus adaptation.


That's not hard at all 😂. But it did well for what its trying to adapt


Is it too serious? Like, not enough of that Nickelodeon goof-ballishnees? Or is it just poorly written?

Devin B

@sabah lol it's not my fault the movie set the bar so low


it’s so slow paced and boring sometimes there’s no tense or goofiness in some of the scenes, Aang is sarcastic and sounds like he’s reading off a script, but we gotta let them cook ig


Some of you in the comments are so insufferable. Let them watch things and decide for themselves. You guys are so annoying


They started off solid with showing the ruthlessness of fire bending and how they destroyed the airbenders but they missed the point of the whole Katara Sokka and Aang dynamic. Aang right away fell in love with Katara in this I hardly see any connection. Sokka and Katara brother and sister dynamic wasn't there which made Katara monotone. The reason why she was so sassy and hotheaded in the cartoon was because Sokka was sexist and ignorant, which the sexist part was resolved in the Kyoshi episode. Katara was also more confident in the cartoon. 5.5/10 maybe listening to the creators instead of making them leave the project would've helped.


I've never had autocorrect betray me in such a terrible way!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Kigen Maina

it’s lit 🥳 lets see if they can keep it up


What are your favorite Live action anime adaptations? I know Alice in Borderland was pretty good, but how about the Ruroni Kenshin one? Trailers look FIRE


Madam Web makes Morbius seem like a Scorcese film. It's dumb and bad and exists solely for Sony to maintain rights to the Spider-Man universe.


What else would the comments exist for besides yanno, sharing ur thoughts? Wtf are u on about lol. No ones going crazy tryna get them to stop watching or tryna tell them how to feel about the show, they're just sharing their opinions on the show. Get tf over urself lol, getting upset cus ppl voice their dislike for a show, take ur own advice and let ppl decide for themselves how to feel about it.


who is dictating how they should feel? lmao some ppl will like it and some wont. the entire point of the comment section is to share how you feel


Damn, honestly seeing how the fire benders attacked the air temple when aang left and showing it actually went down, is wild 😳. (Especially the fire tornado like holy fuck 😧) Kinda honestly loved that the live action did that ❤️👍.

cyrus gudino

Saw the first episode and so far it’s okay

J Man

Aw shoot! Will they get this right . ?


I’m sorry but why is aang flying like a fairy without his glider


Me waiting for lupa to say Captain Planet


How can someone be so contradicting in their own statement smh


I'm gonna be honest, I'm not feeling it. It's okay! Better than the movie for sure, but nothing about it feels better or more interesting than the original. Kinda wild that the only truly good live action has been one piece so far

Davon Thomas

It comes full circle. I discovered the gang because I stumbled upon their OG avatar reaction.

Nick 8

The Iroh actor is his va lupa don’t let them clap you!!!




It’s isn’t bad…it just isn’t good either ☠️

Metweet .c

Aside from aang flying which genuinely shocked me after the stress I went through watching Zaheers girlfriend blow herself up so he could fly. The shows actually pretty good. But my feeling towards it is the same I have for all live actions which is 'what's the point?' I wasn't even excited for this. I'm excited for the animated movies that are coming out. I think I'm just tired of live actions I general

Darion Wilson

who is that breathing hard????

Champion Bescos

I think I enjoyed the LA YYH more, but I also wasn’t nearly as big a fan for the manga/anime as I was A:TLA, so I’m probably the wrong person to ask lol. I felt the same about One Piece’s adaptation, but better.

cami ً

I'm on ep 6 and this show is pretty good when you don't have a cartoon version obsessed guy yelling at you about how this isn't a one-on-one adaptation lol I wouldn't call it a perfect live adaptation but I do think it's a very solid one!

Jarren Jenkins

Watched a few episodes before coming here. Reading the comments is about what I expected. Overall, it is just okay. If you have never seen the original or can turn your brain off and appreciate a live-action retelling then you can probably make it through the entire season. It is nowhere near as bad as Shamalan's film, but also doesn't really add anything special or unique to the universe either. I think the creators leaving and leaving it for corporate assembly-line writers to figure out wasn't good for it. The actors seem like they've never acted before or were just given terrible cues. The CGI is...okay but for a Netflix show I'm not expecting S tier levels of CGI. Hope you guys enjoy it though!


Veneer granny exposition


@36:22 Clapped lol


Amazing can’t wait to see live action momo


I kind of felt weird watching through this. Like the pacing felt off, they skipped some iconic scenes. And I may be a little bit picky with yhe next part, but I feel like some of the acting was a little off for some characters. Gran gran wasn't working for me, she wasn't even really gran gran in this, just a village elder. Uncle Iroh doesn't feel quite as old and wise to me, he honestly felt a lot more dismissive. But this is also the first episode, so we'll see how everything unfolds from here on out.


I get the flying thing but aang isnt flying like zaheer hes just bending air zaheer can fly without bending air but all benders can fly they just have to bend air while they do it


roshi that long stare at Lupa after the voice actor comment lmaooo


I watched the og over 20 times and still do so it’s weird seeing this and knowing every scene and episode being fresh in my head…but I’ll let them cook 🧑🏼‍🦲⬇️


Nah. This is wack lol


I'm so used to uncle Iroh's voice and the way he talks that it is going to take me a while to get used to his voice specifically since I'm a big fan of both Mako and Baldwin. It bothered me a bit that Aang had the bison whistle already since in the show he didn't get it until later. But besides those points I enjoyed the episode.

Robert L

Then people would have complained it’s too much like the cartoon. They can’t win at all with some of you people.


Also the actor who’s playing Zuko is a martial artist irl so majority of the fighting and flips you’ll see is him


Ima be honest, I could’ve gone without this series existing. They will never get Aang on point or any of the cast right for that matter. The only good thing was the cgi scenes but there’s AI now, I can generate something similar myself.

Robert L

He wasn’t flying. Airbenders can hover in the air for a while. He did that in the cartoon lots of times.

Joshua Adeyemo

Y’all continuing to say nah this shit ass ain’t gon change their minds yall i promise you 😂


Yup the worst of the avatar fan base definitely in this comment section. The show is great so far changing certain events around doesn't make it worse than the original. People expecting to be as good as when you first watched the cartoon are purposely putting unrealistic expectations on the show. Aangs somewhat wooden dialogue is the only sore spot for me. Katara suki and zuko are the best cast imo

Robert L

The people saying it’s bad are using the argument it didn’t copy the cartoon enough 😂. The show has way more positives than negative.


ATLA: LA stans can get heated but i think there's nothing wrong with being critical of a show if its not really doing what its meant to lol Like the only way you get better Live action shows is if ppl are critical of the stuff they dont like. I think this show was a miss for sure (ppl in the comments already made great points abt it) but if the gang continues watching: I'm glad they'll enjoy it


One of my only issues with the Episode is Monk Gyatso should've caught some bodies defending his home; At least 10 ppl taken out with him. Put some respect on his name!!!

zacharie garondo

Yo ang that’s not airbending but telekinesis


I think most people just want a show that captures the energy of the cartoon, and this ain’t it lmao

Nate Deezy

lets get into this!!


It was good but it wasn’t at the same time it felt rushed all of y’all that’s going say it’s great are just desperate for a live action 😂😂 they changed a lil to much of the story they could had way more episodes that way if they didn’t do that. They was just trying to hard and not enough with the bending it was decent but I’m let them cook.


I’m only in the beginning before the OG intro we know and love…. I just feel like the actors are trying too hard. As in, doing voice acting for a cartoon. Idk, it’s pretty good so far but I don’t know how I feel about the voice acting. The CG is okay I guess.


36:22 Lupa WHAT? 😂


Ngl I have a huge bias being that ATLA is my fav show of all time and i fully expected this live action to be ass based off that and everything I've heard but this episode was actually fairly decent. The bending looks good, the zuko and aang casting are perfect. I think the problems so far i see, in my opinion, are just dynamics as someone pointed out. Obviously this actors will bring out the characters in their own way and im excited to see how the show develops going forward. I will admit though that the knowledge that the original creators chose to leave this production is worrying but a better start than i expected.


What monsters have l created?! 😭😮😂😂


This is the comment that sums up my thoughts best. A live action is supposed to add to the intrigue and nature of the original cartoon by capturing its essence in a live action format. Where the live action atla fails is funnily enough where it succeeds as a stand alone production because although it adds to the original cartoon by having amazing sfx and scenery, it completely neglects good dialogue and storytelling, which is what the best part of the original cartoon is. It's good, but it's nothing remarkable.


This shit bout to be a journey. Ready to fall in love with these characters again. Don’t care what no one says, if you want an exact copy go watch the cartoon, this shit kinda hard tho😂


Imo if they wanna change things around then go for it, as long as they can keep the essence of the original series intact. Obviously a 1 for 1 adaptation would be pointless but this show just doesn’t capture anything about what made the cartoon good. No hate to those who like it! But we are totally justified in disliking it.

joshua rosario

okayyyyy informative grandma lol


Me: Treat this as it's own thing. Don't compare it too much to the original series. *Sees Aang flying* Da fuck!? Also, they dead ass copied a line from Man of Steel lol. "Can't I just keep pretending I'm your son?" "You are my son."


Only negative I had at all was that Aang is practically flying around. Which really undercuts Zaheer and several scenes. Other than that I liked it.

AJ Williams

that man Rosh said "get your bison up" lol


Visually accurate but their Personalities/acting are a bit dry except for Zuko and somewhat of Sokka. Not bad though. VFX hittin


Fr. As a live action version, the tone they're taking with this is actually refreshing and kinda dope imo.


Too many people hung up on Aang “flying”. This why they showed the air visuals in the original. Bro was just using the air to guide and cushion his fall

Elle E.

Lupa’s comments 💀 “Hold on buddy, hold on buddy, dang idk if I can do this, were going down” 😂 “You think im locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me”🤣 I agree with Sheera, the Sky Bison is cute its face/cheeks are adorbs❤️. This was really good, enjoyed the reaction. Thanks!

John Cedar

Kids don't talk like this lmao, the dialogue is not good. And what I'm really not loving is the character writing, it feels like they each only have their most central characteristic and nothing else. Aang wants to save everyone and hates violence, and isn't ready for his burden. Katara is sad about her mother and wants this war to end, and believes in the power of friendship. Sokka is a joke machine that struggles living up to his father. That's about it. Every interaction and conversation they have is related to the immediate plot or these character traits. It makes them feel very one dimensional in my opinion. As someone who's watched and rewatched ATLA so many times, I can name so many character traits (and flaws) that Aang, Katara, and Sokka have that are never addressed or utilized. I think Zuko and Iroh are good, but that's probably the easiest relationship to get right, since it is so compelling and pivotal to Zuko and the central plot as a whole.

Noctis lucis

The fuck yall even laughing at??


I am not really satisfied or happy with this adaptation. It's definitely an improvement from the first live-action attempt. But, still, I don't really like it. I don't really blame anyone cause they did at least try, and it was a high hurdle to try and clear anyway, with how good and iconic the original is. HOpe ya'll enjoy it anyways.


Awwww yeahhhhh my fave channel hehehe

Elle E.

The original of most things are almost always better. But I do get why those who've seen the anime think this may be watered down too much. But I personally don't watch or enjoy animated shows like cartoons or anime series, but I've known of Avatar & its popularity so thanks for reacting to the live action version.


When Sheera went “ROCKS” I died lmao

Reckless Company

I was expecting it to be trash but the bending was dope af solid 1st episode hopefully they keep it that way😂


Oh boy. The nostalgia police are going to be in full effect for this whole show. Very rarely are original pieces of media done justice, especially in life action format when adapting from a cartoon/book. I feel like if people accept that going in, their blood pressure won't shoot through the roof with disappointment.


Lol 😆 😆 Lupa got me laughing hard the way he said "THAT WAS SAUCY" 🤣 😂 😆

Champion Bescos

*sigh* What would your counter argument be for all the critics who haven’t watched the original show but are still pointing out its clunky and heavy handed exposition, it’s immature dialogue, it’s wooden acting and it’s poor visual craftsmanship (framing, lighting, etc). It is possible to want something to be good, to go in with moderate expectations, and still be disappointed and call things out when they’re not. Also, you said “original pieces of media” and then went on to say especially for adaptions.. That’s a paradox. If it’s an adaptation, it is by nature not an original piece of media.


@Robert L don't know why you think that. There's a reason why One Piece fans loved the netflix adaptation because the showrunners respected Oda and the fan base. The creators of ATLA left because the showrunners didn't respect the source material.


Real talk, if people can give a pass to the Yu Yu Hakusho live action, they can do the same for Avatar and they damn for sure say this is better than that fraud ass movie from Shamalamadingdong. My personal opinion, this is ok. I wanna see where it goes. Even if this ain't good, zuko seems like the only saving grace character wise ( even in that shit tier live movie, zuko was the only good thing about it ). The casting is leagues better too and if anyone isn't feeling the acting I'd say just turn your brain off and warm up to them because it's not horrid.


shamalamadingdong GOT it lmaoooo but facts to this day idk what he was cooking


Yeah. Ngl I'm trying to get over how he is "flying" with air visuals.. he's supposed to be carried by the air with some weight but his body motion flow so smooth that he looks a little too weightless and it's ending up looking like Zaheer / Guru Laheema's flying ability which is a little off visually.


*sigh* I don't have a counter because I agree. I just know how people tend to react when their favorite piece of media gets an adaptation and feel it's not doing the original any justice.

Art of Trolling

Zuko lucky he aint pull up on Kyoshi or there wouldn't be an episode 2

Doc Anime!

A lot of y'all are just hating. This is a way better adaptation than most shows get. Just shut up and stop hate watching.


@Issac -- I'm not sure I understand your point about LA Yu Yu Hakusho. I'd heard that a lot of people disliked it.


Props to the show letting fire benders fire bend. In the shit ass movie I remember none of the fire benders could bend fire without a burning source. Only iroh in the movie could bend fire out of nothing which was ridiculously stupid. Also props to this actually showing fire benders KILL is sick and I love it.


@Doc -- You're making this into a black and white issue when there is plenty of room for gray. For starters, it's not a good look to imply that people who disliked a show you enjoy are "haters." But putting that aside, not everyone who has complaints disliked the show. As for your final point, about this live action being better than most adaptations, how is that relevant?

Lily Rose

Loved this reaction 🫶 I first found you guys in 2020 reacting to avatar for the first time 🥲


There was no movie. It sounds like you just had a bad dream.


damn that's crazy, I think I had the same dream once too!


I guess I'm in a bubble on the YYH. I didn't like the show that much myself but I understood the limitations and the condensing of events to get to a certain point so I didn't dog on it hard and enjoyed what I was seeing either way.


Watching this ep without having seen the cartoon show, it seems pretty good. Only thing i disliked, which is kinda unfair, is that Aangs actor is defo a kid actor. As in it just sounds like he reading lines off a script

Argo TheSlicer

Roshi and sheera need to watch 'A sign of affection' its simply amazing


Yeah. His body is supposed to be carried by the air but his motions flow like he has zero gravity which put me off about it. There needs to be more heft, more umnf.


It wasnt as bad as ive heard i know people are being super critical. Its not perfect, but i did enjoy it. A lot of the liberties they took were i think a mix of pacing and also not being a word for word retelling. It was the ember island players but its alright in its own skin. I think it did what it was trying to do

Sami Mottaghian

Idk I think the show is actually just bad, and I don't really think its a nostalgia or expectation thing. I dislike the one piece anime but I found the adaptation to be pretty entertaining. I just think that the plot changes are bad for this adaptation and the characters are way different from the original, and not in a good way.


Finally finished the first episode and I thought it was OK. Lots of nitpicks for sure, but it's decent. I HATED Gran Gran doing the cartoons intro narration though, felt so forced. It's like a 6.5/10


The concern in SHEERA’S face at 58:45 😭😭😭


Very true. Would have been cool, but at least we got to see Sozin's savagery in play grilling Gyatsu and them kids down. Showing Fire Benders actually murder is a nice trade off I GUESS..

Mario Carranza

We were finally given an opportunity to see a version of the Fire Nation attacking the air temples. It was the one time we could see the long-running theory that Monk Gyatso could suck the air out of a whole room and kill loads of firebenders (about 20) along with himself. but nope instead we get an air wall and knocked 4 dudes down and a Yoda vs Sidious style element clash giving him zero kills and failing to demonstrate any instant kill moves from an airbender.


That's where the issues began. It's visually decent, the bending is better but the switching of storylines threw me for a bit once we hit episode 3. I still enjoyed it but I had to try to find my footing once we hit the 3rd episode

Anthony Chase

I was waiting for him to lay out some air justice, pull that Zaheer real quick but no dice I guess.

zILovePelmeni _

rest of the show absolute ass dont waste your time

Anthony Chase

I only am waiting for some of the more comedic material to come out and that’s it, it’s awesome otherwise. Sokka is a bit more changed than I expected but I still like him.


when they said "more like game of thrones" i didnt realize they meant they were gonna put the house of dragons darkness filter over first 20 minutes of the show...

A. P.

I went into this shit with so much excitement, and though I'm only one episode in, right now I love what I see! I think it's really well done in this first episode. Also, I laughed for 5 minutes at Roshi talkin bout Gyatso's "wooden bussdown" lol


I didn’t really get into it when I was watching it, but your reactions make it more fun.


there is no avatar live action in ba sing se


Ozai is zuko's dad and sozin is ozai's grandpa


All I gotta say is that I'm glad they did the bending justice with the effects cause wth was the movie. Also y'all asking Air Nomads to pull a move from Legend of Korra is wild 😂

A. P.

You are indeed justified in disliking it, but it's not really right to say that it doesn't capture anything about what made the cartoon good when there are people who have seen the cartoon that like this adaptation. It's probably more accurate to just say that you have a different set of expectations than those people.

Sheraya san

I think the fans of the OG which I am are way to critical. Like this series isn’t as imperfect as one piece anime. One piece anime is a chore to get through majority of the time

John Cedar

Nostalgia has nothing to do with writing, performances, or characterization. All 3 are just completely lacking here. If you're here for cool bending and to relive the base plot points, congrats, you'll have a good time. If you're here to see a good re-imagining of the characters, with complex character traits, good jokes, believable friendship building, or good child acting, you're gonna be disappointed. The reason people responded well to One Piece was because it actually had good character interactions and believable dialogue that was still ok when it was cheesy, because it still felt like the characters were themselves and getting along well. Also, they're all adult actors even though they look young, so they're actually...good.


So far I’m waiting to see when they meet the Kyoshi Warriors. Wonder is Sokka will praise them right off the bat or if there will be a little back and forth like the original.

John Cedar

Nah I fully disagree, One Piece characters actually had believable friendships and interactions and seemed to be having fun. They can also...act well. These kids are not doing it for me 90% of the time and it literally sounds like they are reading off a script, not thinking up things to say in the moment. Idk how people are fine with this dialogue but my problems have almost nothing to do with the original show. People forget that the original creators of ATLA were onboard originally, but left this project a while ago, and I can see why.


you get above the clouds BEFORE the storm. If i was Appa i wouldnt try to fly my fat ass through a bunch of lightning clouds either.


Was hoping for the og captain planet intro from Lupa lol


Sheera's made a connection to The Lion King with both the cartoon and this netflix show. Thought that was funny


Ozai is who Aang Took the bending Away from

Jaelyn Mcgee

I like the bending, and the way the action is handled, but...that exposition heavy dialog is driving me nuts. Also having Gran Gran do the opening narration is just weird

Aaron Griffin

I thought the casting was great, but I can't help but feel like this show isn't adding anything new for me. A:TLA wasn't lacking, so I'm watching this just thinking "seen it"


If Im Zuko, Im going back to that Water Tribe and pillaging tf outta it

Jaelyn Mcgee

Zuko's scar...is giving sunburn vibes...again

Champion Bescos

Yeah, I thought he’d go out like a boss like it’s implied he did in the cartoon. Remember he has a gang of dead ops around him? Nope, not here.

Champion Bescos

Nah, One Piece captured the essence of its source material immaculately well even with its changes and condensing. That’s the main issue with this adaptation: they constantly negate their own efforts with every poorly chosen and unnecessary alteration. Not all changes have been bad, but the vast majority of them have actively detracted from character, tone, and theme. That wasn’t an issue with One Piece.


Funny enough yangchen did suck the air out of the room in the novels


As a hardcore fan I seriously enjoyed being able to see the raid on the air nomads, the only thing I really wish we saw was avatar state on the ship other than that the first ep is starting off real strong


Does anyone else hear Dewey from Malcolm in the Middle whenever Aang talks?


this was a good start. can't wait to see how they develop the relationships

Jaelyn Mcgee

Lupa you might recognize Iroh's actor from Mr Kim's convience store and the Mandalorian


My only problem is that they showed him flying in the beginning, which is an advanced technique that zaheer and a few air benders new but forget that he can fly when he was falling…


Fr cause why does he still have his eyebrow? Where’s the scar tissue


i usually never notice if the acting is lackin but i def feel it in this show, but will enjoy the ride regardless


There are actually 2 actors in this that were in the animated series. One plays the same character and the other plays someone different.

Jaelyn Mcgee

is it just me or at 51.50, does Zuko's scar disappear entirely

Jaelyn Mcgee

I mean that it reminds me of the make up they used in the Shyamalan movie, in that it doesn't look like a severe injury, compared to the original series


I say it’s better then the movie action wise yes. Dialogue idk about That their both bad. And if anyone know , how many episodes is this going be I feel we about to meet torph in episode 3


Many scenes were forced, and the actors were acting like they were reading their scripts and acting for the first time in their lives. *Gets completely disrespected by children throwing rocks at the world dominant fire nation and was about to burn the place down” Aang, calmly: “wait..” “Oh ok, we’ll immediately stop. Wassup?”


It's crazy how people will defend Hollywood rebooting or in this case making live action cartoon of people favorite show and just changing characters/stories because they are bunch of snowflakes especially Netflix. People loved One Piece Netflix because Matt Owens is an actual fan who respect Oda and the story he was telling. He even visited him to see what he liked and didn't like. He also went on One Piece podcasts. You know what the ATLA Netflix showrunners did? They made the creators of ATLA leave because they didn't respect the source material


I heard that they wanted to appeal to GOT fans (???) So that could be where the seriousness is coming from

Norman kay10

i think this is good, we cant expect it to be exactly like the animated series because we know what the animated series plays out episode for episode.


it was kind of cringe. even though they made it make sense world building wise through it being a village story, it still felt so out of place word for word

Jaelyn Mcgee

Yeah I know that they're trying to cover a lot of ground but it all feels so forced that the dialog and plot doesn't have time to breathe.

Gmac paddiewac

cgi was booty sometimes but it was fine


Ok thanks I guess but they didn’t get renewed for a new seasons. So if there fast tracking main events we might see torph in this season. Depending on how many episodes they are getting this season. Which is why I asked


I like how in this one you can actually see what went down in the air temple when aang disappeared. So far so good can’t wait for the next episode


Lmao im here soley for the reaction (aside from aang flying absolute joke) the first 20 mins of the show are its peak and better than the goofy ass film we got in its entirety this was avatar the last mid bender 6/10 at best


Episode 1 is a great start but remember the creators left the project due to creative differences so later episodes may not have the same level or respect for the source material.


Word for word bar for bar


It’s coo bending and details fr, but acting is shii, shows like invincible show that not everything need to be live action,atla only works in animation or cartoon.


so why didnt aang just jump off the side when he walked out the door

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

@Merfhew The unfortunate fact about online discourse concerning media is that any critique of said media will be taken as a personal attack from people that enjoy it. Many people are just too insecure about their preferences to distinguish hate from criticism


Damn, this shit trash.

rickie woodson

its there, just the lighting is so bright it makes it hard to see. had to get up real close to investigate but its there

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Ayo this shit suck LMAO. The mismatch of scenes, the truly awful dialogue, the forced unnatural exposition dumps... I understand they have to speed run sections but it feels like all of the development of these characters is about to take a massive backseat in place of them telling us instead of showing us what they think and feel. The only highlight so far has been the bending.


Let’s go. I really want to get into the anime but I have not so much time. Now I’m gonna watch the series with you guys

Jaelyn Mcgee

I was watching a YouTube reaction to the first episode and they pointed out that they really do fuck up the female monk's hairlines


Oh my fucking god, I haven't laughed that hard in ages literally could feel all of my face muscles tense. Sheera and Lupa's face during Roshi's fire bender speech was ruining me, holy fuck. In relation to the episode tho, I am mildly displeased they didn't show Aang actually folding the entire crew and ship during his escape.

Rex Perez

"Stand on business, cook these niggas bro." Roshi wtf😭🤣🤣

Champion Bescos

Inversely, one could say the people this show has appeased didn’t grasp the essence of the original show very well. One could just as easily say those people are easily pleased and casual fans. Respectfully, we can go in circles here unless we start getting into the nitty gritty of why this and that do/do not work.

Alejandro Rodriguez

but like why does he need the glider if he can just fly now


They left to go do the animated stuff with Nickelodeon, which they have full control over


I’ve watched the original a bunch of times and while this is definitely not as good, it’s just fine. The problems are only really noticeable to anyone who watched the og yet it isn’t that big of an issue as ppl are making it out to be. Ppl are mostly complaining it’s not a 1-1 redo when it shouldn’t be anyways.

The Mister Octopus

at this point I was hoping that any of these scenes are better than the movie. safe to say, wasn't disappointed


I fuckin cackled. It was so weird, like she was just ready to exposit onto any bald kid that just popped up out of nowhere. It could’ve at the very least have been a children’s story he walked in on her reading to the kids. Just something, not just her summoning it out of nowhere.


I swear this zuko look like he just wanna breakdown and cry everytime he on screen

Keevondrick Womack

Obviously the animated series wont be topped. It will at least wash away the stain the movie left though. But Its still hard watching animated series go live action, because somehow it makes the dialogue feel kinda cringey even if its mostly the same.

Son Goku

will we get a episode of worst of evil today?


why didnt the guy at the start just make that wall to block the people chasing him, and continue running.


GranGran’s acting feel like she was reading her lines straight from the paper the first time, completely emotionless


It's aiight most likely there gonna go threw all the chapters of this show if the ratings are ok so far it looks good it's 8.5 last I checked


Guess we’re getting 2 episodes of that and a episode of it’s okay not to be okay as well

cami ً

the og creators ok’d the horrendous film we got so like… maybe it wasn’t so bad that they left!

Kumi Chan

Let me explain why he needs the glider. Air nomads used to be able to fly off rip but they had sever all of their connections with other people. Aang can float and hover but he needs the glider to actually fly. The one airbender i remember that could fly was Zaheer in legend of korra.

Kumi Chan

I understand the first part of what you said, but did you see ep 1 of avatar? Zuko was not there to wipe out the village, he was there to capture aang. So by aang offering himself up, Zuko didn’t need to attack the village anymore. The rocks weren’t “disrespectful “ to the fire nation. It played out more or less from thr animated series

Doc Anime!

I said what I SAID,....I'm talking to the ppl that's just bitchin just to bitch, idc about the ppl that are actually giving good criticism about the show and on my final point....its relevant because I want it to be. *shrugs*

Ivan Šlogar

Did you guys forget he saw gyatso's corpse in the animated series as well?

Doc Anime!

@ Franklin, I have no problem with ppl disliking what I like and I don't really don't give af if they do. I can discern the difference between hate and criticism so no insecurities over here. There are ppl who come into every adaptation with negative mindsets and immediately decides to hate before really giving anything a chance or understanding why something needed to be changed.

John Cedar

Yeah if you look up real burn scars that are going to last like the one in the original show does, they completely change the texture of the face because....your skin melts and sections are lost to the burn. They definitely could've made him look more gnarly, it would've also made him more intimidating.


Pretty sure they didn't forget...roshi literally mentioned it before it happened because that's how it was in the cartoon


Looks like a Shark Boy and Lava Girl / Spy Kids movie


Bless y’all, cause I don’t have Netflix 😭😭🙏🏽


Why can’t you all just let them have their own thoughts before writing comments like this when they haven’t even finished watching they series? 🙄


20 20 minute episodes is 400 minutes. 8 60 minute episodes is 480 minutes. So they actually had a longer runtime for the live action than they did for the TV show.


He’s not flying. He is manipulating the air around him. He did that several times in the cartoon as well.


They haven’t posted every episode of their reaction of the show. It’s common decency to keep your thoughts to yourself until they post the final episode….


They haven’t posted every episode of their reaction of the show. It’s common decency to keep your thoughts to yourself until they post the final episode….


They haven’t posted every episode of their reaction of the show. It’s common decency to keep your thoughts to yourself until they post the final episode….


They haven’t posted every episode of their reaction of the show. It’s common decency to keep your thoughts to yourself until they post the final episode….


They haven’t posted every episode of their reaction of the show. It’s common decency to keep your thoughts/spoilers of the show to yourself until they post the final episode….


Sozin’s comet was named after the fire lord who used the power of the comet to kick off the 100 year war, that’s probably where the confusion came from


The change with Katara blocking Zuko's strike instead of Aangs deflect is confusing because in this same episode we saw Katara hardly able to move a boat in water. Now she can instinctively bring water walls high enough to block an attack while on appa. Aang also doing the zaheer fly it looked like lol


I actually really enjoyed this episode. Aang and Sokka were casted perfectly and Katara and Iroh seem atleast decent. Zuko is the only one that will have to grow on me but that could just be me being picky since he’s my favorite character in the cartoon. They basically combined the first couple eps together so the pacing from them leaving the water tribe and getting to the air temple is definitely faster but I think they handled the transition well enough for it to not matter. As an OG fan, I’m on board with this 👍🏾


Based on the pacing of this I’m not sure why you think we’d meet Toph in episode 3. They aren’t moving THAT fast.


Well that wouldn’t have made sense to do here since the children were also in the Roku with him. Killing himself would be one thing but he’d essentially be taking out the kids with him.


I’m scrolling through the comments and a lot of the criticisms I see about this series (the dialogue, pacing, actor choices) were a lot of the problems I had with the Yu Yu Hakusho live action. Being a fan of this one, it’s kind of funny being on the other side of the fence lol

Ivan Šlogar

May be, but the way Lupa reacts "It's been a hundred years, it's dust" made me wonder

Mario Carranza

Ok so make it a sizeable air bubble but out of reach of the children. Or just design the temple to have a room where they were save from the move


In your opinion, what’s changed about him ? He doesn’t really get into his comedic bag until a couple episodes in. He’s got a boomerang up his ass the entire first episode lol


Funny cause Zuko actually seems like the actor that understands his character the least. I’m seeing the desperation to get the avatar but he’s still lacking a lot of the aggression. Still, the entire first episode washes the movie.


I also agree about your point with the Yu Yu Hakusho adaption. Definitely far from my favorite live action adaption but this seems a lot better than that.

Kristen Keating

I was expecting this to be awful from what I saw on twitter but this is fine so far


I doubt that firebenders oxidize anything, so they don't need air for the flames. They still need to breathe tho, but only Zaheer is badass enough to suck air out of people's lungs.

Kevin Kovacs

I lowkey want to see them react to the old Avatar movie. 😅

Richie Roberts

Iroh is the X-Wing pilot form the Mandalorian and Ahsoka. That's why he looks familiar.


I low key wanted an Anakin youngling scene with Sozen toasting the kids, but I guess the show couldn't be PG-13 if they killed the kids on screen.


Very good first episode. Mixed anticipation and hesitation for Koh. North, here we go!


The Avatar oversoul: "And so, whenever the current avatar gets angry, we want to go absolutely batshit crazy and destroy everything around us. We'll call it a self-defense mechanism."


katara kinda basic in this


It’s good but it like a reimagining of the story they changed and added a lot of shit that’s the only thing I don’t like… they got a great aang but the other cast…. Nah


Wdym? The CGI is the best thing of the whole show


He was also the dad/main character in Kim’s Convenience

Anthony Chase

I like this version of Sokka, I expected the show to be a bit less dark. But I understand that because of the setting of the show, and the world they’re based in that Sokka will probably be much more duty focused than anything.

Saynt Michael

If Katara and Sokka didn’t find Aang, he probably would’ve woken up hundreds of years after the Fire Nation took over and climate change melted the polar ice shelves enough for Aang to defrost


Ngl I was a hater when it came to that clip circulating on twitter like a week ago but what a way to make me eat my words this was pretty enjoyable


Avatar Studios announced sum new shit comin out sum time last year. New series late 2025 n a movie followin that. Just checked n apparently they got a 3 year plan with a movie n show each year. Ain't look too deep into it so i dont know how official all this is. https://avatarnews.co/post/709348643504832512/avatar-news-exclusive-avatar-studios-2027-movie


Flameo Hotman? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh?? lmaooooooo


Book 1 isn't significantly longer than this season.


just finished ep 5 and this show kinda trash i fear


Gran Gran with the veneers

Matrim Hall

The Kyoshi novels are really good btw


after seeing the percy jackson show and now avatar, I'm realizing we don't always need live-action adaptations and some stories will just fit better with animation. Or just make live-action original stories lol


I liked it better when he found out everyone was dead when he saw the skulls she never told him lol


I haven't watched it yet but I'm ready to see Kyoshi absolutely fold people into the dirt. I better get at least one scene with her mopping the floor with people's bodies in 4k

Matrim Hall

I can already see a lot of scenes missing where the kids bond with one another that I'm kinda disappointed about, but I'm pretty happy with the casting and original scenes.


Bro lupa is too funny lmaoo


W adaptation!!


well.. it’s definitely a show!


Katara feels entirely sanitized.


Cant that mf fly why the fuck he need the stick for ???


oh wow! This is a lot better than I thought it was going to be based on yapping on Twitter....I hope it keeps this going throughout the rest of the episodes....Or it might just be because I'm watching it with ya'll. 😂You guys always make me watch shows I would never watch and enjoy them so much ❤😊


Oh I didn’t like it but fair if people do. The direction/pacing felt off and drawn out talking and over explaining which makes it kind of lethargic and a little boring (instead of treating the audience as capable and smart enough to read between what could be suggested). Cartoon to live-action tbh. Idk that was the main thing amongst a few. So yeah lost at ep 1 :(


LMAO granny gave the recap and Aang ran away and avoided that conversation. Very much an airbender move


It’s kind of trash come on now you can’t compare this to one piece.


At least one piece was more snappy and engaging ☕️

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

How are people expressing what they think and feel about the media inhibiting them from forming their own opinions? Literally no one is telling them what to think, and the fact you've come to such a conclusion means you feel personally attacked by people not liking what you enjoy. Dumbass.

Azayzel Hoarde

hella good start, roasting tho Air nomads tho was brutal af haha like did that tornado lady get turned to ashes?? they floated out of the way to reveal they bridge like damn


The “You will always be my friend” line from Gyatso hits extra hard considering he was friends with the previous avatar


Katara doesnt have her attitude. Shes just a submissive and caring little girl who doesnt raise her voice. Aang doesnt have his carefree super playful attitude. How did they get it so wrong compared to the original? It must be on purpose. If its not on purpose, then im not impressed when comparing it to the original. Not going to be wowed by the visuals and action sequences to be blinded how they messed up the foundations of it all. I suppose its fine if youre not comparing it to the original at all.


No you most certainly not generate anything similar your self. AI isnt on that level yet. It messes things up a lot. And AI like SORA is also expensive to run, so will cost you lots of money most likely for years to come (It doesnt run on your hardware at home, as it would take too long to generate anything. And they also probably dont want you to have to software anyway. Much more money to make you pay money to them to run their secret AI tech on their own secure servers and they send the result to you, provided it fits within their guidelines of acceptable media)


Just finished the show and i‘d give it a 6/10. The visuals are really good but the directing and acting is pretty mediocre in some scenes. Liked the first episode the most.

PJ Rivera

They are newer actors so maybe they’ll warm up to the role come season 2?


The lighting was off in the water tribe compared to the background green being brighter and then dark/dull so there is super forgiveness on that to the 8th degree, did you notice?


You gonna reply to every other comment too? 😂😂


trash eww lol

Tayvion Thurman

You know in my opinion, I thought the same things. But as I watch the rest I realize they show the cartoon versions of these characters in spurts. Because it’s live action and supposed be a tad more grounded they only have those traits of there’s when it’s warranted, when it’s the right time. If the show continues I think you’ll definitely see more, especially that katara attitude when they start wearing that red


33:00 yeah Roshi was NOT vibing with the show


Not…it means quit spoiling things that happen in the live action adaptation in the comments of their reaction to episode 1. Let them form their own opinions


Aye man call lupa present mic from my hero, bro does not know what an indoor voice is…..why are you shouting all the time.


I just found this boring and drawn out. But you can say at least one piece was straight to the point




No what makes it more crazy is that Aang received the information taht made him run away, him being the avatar, and then he wakes up to hearing that his entire family was massacred 100 years ago, while maybe processing that there will be a new comet soon around the same time.


Also to answer Sheera's question about when would Aang have woken up if it was for Katara and Sokka; Avatar tends to get very spiritual and something spoken on is how everything happens for a reason. Maybe things were meant to unfold the way they did because Aang wasn't ready for the comet back then, but would be by the next, 100 years later when he wakes up because Katara and Sokka would've found him, thus leading to everything that occurred after. Sequential events.

hyakimaru dono

Such a rude thing to say expecially since u are paying to be here and lupa isn't being any louder than roshi or sheera


Lupa had me rolling when he said "did they cast the voice actors" 🤣


sheera had me on the floor talking about “GIMME MORE BREEZE GIMME MORE BREEZE” 😭💀💀


literally same. the set design and costumes were on point, but the directing, and acting were basura. i see why the creators left the show.


They missed key points in characters soka has to be sexist has to be able to have his character growth get humbled by suki they took out a huge part of his personality and why ppl like him idk bro it was made decently but I think my issue is with trying to be more on the standards of todays “politics”

Baron Salt

Another adaptation that makes Zuko an angsty teen and doesn't do his scar justice. It literally looks like makeup.


To be fair, he was an angsty teen. But to be fair to your point, that was in no way all he was.

Baron Salt

What sacrifice? They got ambushed and died. In what way was that a sacrifice for Aang?


Bro is using the same criticisms that other reviewers and articles have said, I bet he hasn't even watched the show himself! All of yall talking about wooden acting amd exposition dumps need to chill tf out. Some people haven't seen Avatar at all, and they have to condense so much into 8 eps, they can't do nearly as much show not tell


Kumi these people are just complaining cuz they've seen others complain


It sounds like alot of you are taking other critics opinions as gospel and using prior interviews and production news against shows, ready to dislike and hate on it before it even comes out!


LOL the condescension from this guy, "didn't grasp the essence of the original" most ppl in these comments were in diapers when the original show aired, and fans of the og show are critical but not over the top and hyperbolic, acting like it's a completely trash adaptation

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Can you not realise that everyone is picking up on the same problems with the show if we all have the same critique? Are you retarded? It doesn't matter what they have do to make it watchable, the issues are glaring and obvious and lessens the viewing experience. This shit can barely stand on its own, and is outright inferior. Yikes.


42:52 😂


Bro wants zuko's character development to be done in one episode

John Cedar

"Before it even comes out" wym, it's Netflix, the whole season dropped at once. Some of us actually have fully formed opinions that we came to on our own 😊 I love how everyone is like "you're just hating on the show without giving it a chance" when what I'm really seeing is a bunch of people excusing away its major flaws and not giving the very real and COMMON criticism a chance. No, we are not all crazy or haters for saying the dialogue and acting aren't natural at all 😂 Also, news about the production is relevant to the final product. The way something is made and the problems that it had along the way can effect the final product...obviously. The original creators leaving this show vs the original creator being fully on board the One Piece adaptation speaks volumes to the quality and the reception of the final show. It's just so obvious and you think it should be ignored 😅


he should be dust has me dead as if we dont have literal dinosaur bones in museums lmaoo


Get what you're saying but If you pay for a service you have the right to critique. He's probably a great guy but he def is loud as hell when there is interesting dialogue going on.


my brother do you not remember how Zuko acted in the beginning of the show? you’re saying this as if he wasn’t an angsty teen lmao

Jeremiah Neely

It's more like they placed the iconic intro meme halfway through the episode. lol.

Jeremiah Neely

In a way, it makes sense why we're able to see certain things that weren't in the cartoon, like the air nomad genocide. The creators were limited on what they could and couldn't do, seeing as how this was originally suppose to be for kids on Nickelodeon. They can get away with a lot more now that it's a Netflix series.

Bobby Robinson

I gave it this one episode chance cause I’ve been keeping up with all the updates a changes First I’ll say the fights , costumes and CGI is amazing But I cannot get on board with this I’m noticing all the changes and a lot of parts just rub be the wrong way cause I know how it’s supposed to be I understand being I guess “grounded “ but they totally removed crucial elements in the characters to make things survive in this “woke” environment


Was agreeing with you until the "woke" part lmao. That's the problem, there's people out there actually dissatisfied with this adaptation and how it strays from the og too much to make people feel confident, then there's others who just blame it on "woke" lmao

Kwame Afriyie

What is woke about it? Seriously, define "woke"! they change somethings for better flow and live action. If you haven't notice they didn't introduce Roku yet who was the avatar and knew aang


Exactly…or they could have just done what the original creators were telling them to do instead of pushing them away.😭 they took away all the characters traits that is important for development later. Such a disappointment


Was agreeing and then completely lost me at "woke." The cover that word gives people for their low energy takes.


so you’re telling me zuko wasn’t angsty at the beginning of the series

solo prince

what exactly is “woke” about this lmfao like if anything you had valid criticism then you said that bs


So far, I don't get the criticisms of this show yet. This first episode was really well done. If stuff ends up getting cut from the cartoon that's just the reality of making a live-action adaptation.

Mirandx (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 18:13:28 If you look closely there were some faults eg. The lighting is off when you meet sokka and katara (the green screen is so clear because they seem like they’re indoors/ dark shadows while a bright environment. The cgi was great in places and off in others like when they’re flying. The most important is the poor screen writing, the dialogue suffers too much exposition (lengthy explanations that question the intelligence of the watcher to figure out the mystery or see things vs talk through it, in other words it like subtlety which is what all great stories have) it also has unnatural and lacklustre dialogue. And I’m not even comparing it to the original at this point just pointing out technical things they could have fixed but..didn’t. Just over a there was something weighty/drawn out and slightly boring about how they directed the show, many scenes could have been cut and the directed in a slightly snappier upbeat way, with more excitement. But if you’re content with it and got the attention span of a saint maybe some may excuse these things. people just don’t like the storytelling (again I’m excluding any comparison to the original here(though many can answer that for you, I’m not fussed about that tbh, and just from the perspective of it being it’s own story)
2024-02-26 18:12:36 If you look closely there were some faults eg. The lighting is off when you meet sokka and katara (the green screen is so clear because they seem like they’re indoors/ dark shadows while being in a bright snowy environment. The cgi was great in places and off in others like when they’re flying. The most important is the poor screen writing, the dialogue suffers too much exposition (lengthy explanations that question the intelligence of the watcher to figure out the mystery or see things vs talking through absolutely everything (it gets rid of what would have been shocking to find out) , in other words it lacks subtlety which is what all great stories have) it also has unnatural and lacklustre dialogue. And I’m not even comparing it to the original at this point just pointing out technical things they could have fixed but..didn’t. Just that there was something weighty/drawn-out and slightly boring about how they directed the show, many scenes could have been cut and directed in a slightly snappier upbeat way, with more excitement. But if you are content with it and got the attention span of a saint maybe some may excuse these things. The complaints come from people just not liking the storytelling (again I’m excluding any comparison to the original here, though many can answer that for you, I’m not fussed about that tbh. This is from the perspective of it being it’s own story)

If you look closely there were some faults eg. The lighting is off when you meet sokka and katara (the green screen is so clear because they seem like they’re indoors/ dark shadows while being in a bright snowy environment. The cgi was great in places and off in others like when they’re flying. The most important is the poor screen writing, the dialogue suffers too much exposition (lengthy explanations that question the intelligence of the watcher to figure out the mystery or see things vs talking through absolutely everything (it gets rid of what would have been shocking to find out) , in other words it lacks subtlety which is what all great stories have) it also has unnatural and lacklustre dialogue. And I’m not even comparing it to the original at this point just pointing out technical things they could have fixed but..didn’t. Just that there was something weighty/drawn-out and slightly boring about how they directed the show, many scenes could have been cut and directed in a slightly snappier upbeat way, with more excitement. But if you are content with it and got the attention span of a saint maybe some may excuse these things. The complaints come from people just not liking the storytelling (again I’m excluding any comparison to the original here, though many can answer that for you, I’m not fussed about that tbh. This is from the perspective of it being it’s own story)


Nah, Roshi, "pan seared airbender" was crazy


Honestly that fact that ALL airbender were at that temple it's wild they could take them all even with the comet. In the OG series they attacked each temple divide and conquer


not to mention the fire nation lost A LOT of men doing it.


The arrow on the head so inconvenient I gotta give up my hairline for it 😭


you'd get way more pussy with "im and airbending master" than you'd get with "just got a cut, come fw me"😂


i agreed until u said woke. the adaptation is actually the opposite. they completely watered down katara's personality and she is no longer as strong of a female character as she was in the original


The only woke shit I seen is the OG earthbenders being lesbians? Which is whatever ig


Damn... this was... this was not good. I honestly thought it wouldn't be ever since the OG Avatar writers peaced out and talked shit about how Netflix wasn't respecting the themes of the show and so on. But to really see it be this rough just feels bad.


Bunch of idiots who are afraid to agree with you cause you used a word they don’t like, lol. Whether you want to admit it or not woke bs is ruining modern media. It’s used as nothing more than a shield to deflect valid criticism of lackluster writing. Katara is the perfect example, she WAS a well written, strong female character. In the live action they watered her down (yes pun intended) to the typical “boss bitch” archetype. Her entire character arc now boils down to “I was perfect all along I just have to stop letting the patriarchy hold me back.” It does a disservice to the animated series, the creators, good writing, and to the character Katara. “You’re looking at her,” with the head movement….. Just have her say “I don’t need no man,” at that point. Or how about her rallying up the untrained women to toss onto the front lines of WAR. The show is an absolute fucking joke. And not the funny kind, the kind where I have to pause to cringe for a few minutes…….

Metweet .c

There was do much exposition this episode. It was majority telling not showing as if the audience are not already familiar with the show or just dumb. Stuff that took 5 minutes in the animation was half of this episode. SHOW ME AANG WITH HIS FRIENDS AND PEOPLE SO I CAN FEEL SAD FOR HIM INSTEAD OF A 10 MINUTE CONVO ON IT


Damn...I really though Lupa was gonna shout "CAPTAIN PLANET!!!!" in the intro...profound sadness lmao