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Sorry yall I thought I uploaded this earlier!



*cough* *cough* Fight Me ROSHI


One person from each


they better be building up for some heat bcuz so far season 3 has been straight booty cheeks


it is one person from each class, but sakayanagi is saying the exam was made so that koji would be expelled in his class. the name she said you didn't recognize is bald man that was the leader of the other faction in A-Class from season 1

Darren Banks

Man 2 minutes and I’m already like if they just scheme this shit and all have the same amount of praise and censure - it’s a big middle finger to this whole charade. Hoping there’s catch cause that test is ass.


Yall really need to watch Jormungand its so much like black lagoon and i think you guys would really enjoy it.

Manny garduno

This show has always been booty cheeks that’s what happens when you cut out a lot of info

King of New York

One person from each class is being expelled. Each person can cast either a positive or negative vote for someone IN THEIR class. But they have to cast a positive vote for one person in one of the OTHER 3 classes. This way it makes it harder to coordinate since votes from all 4 classes are coming into each class to determine the person being expelled.

Nuke XD

I like how Ryuen said the only two that see their class as pawns r Sakayanagi and himself, he didnt mention ayanokoji in front of Horikita


Wait, so did they watch the after credit scene from last episode? Also, seeing Ryuen somewhat submissive now it's kinda weird lol


Can you guys check out Metallic Rouge?


Easiest/best explanation right here 👆🏿


From how I understood it, the special exam is being conducted because Ayanokoji's dad somehow managed to get the chairman suspended (iirc when they had that meeting in season 2 the dad basically said, "You really don't want these problems chairman" when the chairman said he'd protect Ayanokoji). So, the whole purpose of the exam is to get Ayanokoji expelled, BUT it's being disguised as a school-wide way to course correct for all the prior expulsions being overturned/avoided, and so all four classes have to eliminate one person from each respective class. Now, while other classes can't give you negative points, the fact that other classes can give out positive points means that, if you were to receive even a few negative points, if enough people from other classes give positive points to the other contenders from bottom place, they can guarantee that those people end up ranking higher than you and ensure you get expelled. Since your class is likely to give the most popular people their positive points, Ayanokoji is actually in pretty big danger, since being in the "middle" or "average" in this situation is actually quite dangerous, since you're likely not going to get any positive points from your class, and other classes can specifically pump up people they think might receive more negative points than you in your own class so that you get taken out, if that makes sense.


they've skipped over so much stuff bruh, it has been ass so far because of that 😭


Off topic but yall should really react to the kdrama vigilante it’s only 8 episodes and right up Roshi’s alley


The main thing I see is that the teacher made a note to say basically "coordinating this class alone won't be enough to avoid expulsion" and then gave Ayanakoji that look, which he feigned ignorance of. I feel him saying he needs to get involved now is him starting to scheme to manipulate several or all of the other classes in some way to make sure everyone he likes is covered somehow.


Basically this special exam is a cover for Ayanokouji’s father to get him out of the school and back to the White Room. Instead of making it obvious that the target is Ayanokouji, Ayanokouji’s father, and whoever is working with/under him (don’t wanna spoil anything) is camouflaging it as a special exam where someone from every class and every grade level is expelled. It’s only Ayanokouji and Sakayanagi who know the true nature of this exam cuz they know how his dad operates. The explanations are weird but it can be understood by watching multiple times or just focusing on the rules


Either he knows better, or he’s figured out that Suzune doesn’t know nearly as much about Kiyotaka as she thinks she does, and he’s enjoying the irony.


Don’t you love entertainment that can interact with its audience like this?😂


If there is one thing that you can trust Sakayanagi on, it’s the desire to beat Kiyotaka as unquestionably as possible. If Kiyotaka is expelled like this, it’d just be circumstances and third party meddling that did it, not her efforts, intelligence, and skill. Neither her pride nor her ambition would tolerate that outcome.


who the hell let Arthur from fire force become the student body president


like i said yamauchi needs to get shot


How the fuck would he be expelled when Yamacunt is in the class, tho?? Which girls or even guys would ever vote for the MC who is above average in all metrics, and isn't a cunt but a relatively normal person in the class, who even the females trust enough because of his harmless aura etc


Because of the groups being formed people will vote for who they care about, not who is good academically because of that. So for koji, who has no friends besides his small group, it’s not good. In addition, his class just thinks he is average, a loner, and good at running. They don’t know he’s above average at anything, also other classes can vote to protect people in other classes. Hypothetically, they could vote for the person at the bottom so that specific class loses a higher rated person. To add onto that, yamauchi was in touch with sakayanagi but we still don’t know why


Funny that the deal is in 4 days because 4 is the number of death in Japan

Arkan Matlub

I’m glad Yamauchi is using that time to get himself to become the most hated fucking imbecile in high school history. Someone gotta put him to his place

JJ Gilmore

So Katsuragi Kohei-Kun is the bold tall guy from class A


Who else came back to see the bucket of chicken🤣

Random Guy

I know for sure Ryuen wont be picked because even though he was a tyrant, he's literally the only chance of Class D of bouncing back to C or higher. If i was in that situation I'd probably pick the 3 dumb boys at the back coz they are pretty much the negatives in the school. Sudo, Ike and Yamauchi. With Yamauchi being the one deadlast for explusion. Main reason because Sudo is useful for physical tasks and Ike at least is close to another student. Meanwhile I'd still remember Yamauchi being that asshat who started stirring the pot back when the online slander was going on.