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Hank is the best



I'd say Hank was probably my favorite character


yall not realizing immediately those snapping sounds were sniper rounds made me feel better, im glad im not the only one that would've gotten cracked


peep his expression at the end, its the same look and framing of the one he had at the end of his "saving albert" story

Smash Bran'Discootch

On God! Even if I see the impact of the bullet multiple times, it's going to take my brain a hot second to process what's actually happening and I'd blue screen. As soon as I say, "What was tha---" BAM I'm out 🤣

Smash Bran'Discootch

I unapologetically love Hank. He's the most likeable dude in this whole show.


Gotta disagree w/ Roshi's assessment on Barry's acting abilities. Barry isn't a bad actor so much as Mr. Cousineau is a bad teacher. He's a bad teacher because he isn't actually invested in the development of his students, but the potential to reignite his own failed acting career. I'm of the opinion that anyone can learn anything if they are given the proper tutelage. And it just so happens in this instance that Barry is not being taught by someone who has his best interest in mind. Cousineau has been treating him callously since the beginning of the series. Calling Barry stupid and spineless? Forcing Barry to reenact the first time he took a life? Watching as one of his students (Sally) goes out of their way to egg Barry on as a means of provoking a negative response? This is not the environment in which someone can learn to be better at something. Think about if you were learning geometry and your geometry teacher insulted you, embarrassed you in front of the other students, and let another student shout at you. Chances are you're not gonna learn the basic elements of geometry.

Smash Bran'Discootch

See THIS is what people always mkstakingly call "shock". When you see something so unusual in the setting that it takes your brain a second to process what is happening and you sort of blue screen for a second. Happened to Barry, happened to all of you, happened to me lmao

Hasnain Khan



Man that's a dirty cliffhanger...

rickie woodson

so sally sally.....hope this sam storyarc is a turning point for her as a character going forward. the compassion i had for in season 1 is weighing real thin

rickie woodson

i had no idea barry was being show at. i thought someone was opening the door slowly as to not bother him as he was writing.


love the reactions

Jake Coulter

This was always one of my favorite episodes. So many different emotions in one episode

Oni Legend

Mannnn in spite of her pretty heavy narcissism, lack of awareness, and lack of accountability somehow Sally’s thing with her completely blocking out and changing the night she left her abusive relationship is the most mentally ill, fucked up, and tragic thing about her. Mainly because it means that the thing she used as a incredibly fragile foundation for her incredibly fragile new personality in LA was nothing more then a lie she tricked herself into believing. Completely pokes holes in the image of herself she was painting last episode with being “independent” and “not apologizing” And you can tell she GENUINELY believes that thats what happened too. Like her body language whenever her friend was disagreeing with her was like total “i don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t do that, did I?” Saddest part is…if that shits a lie and its what she used to define her new personality post abuse….that most likely means she used to dream of being that independent and not apologizing and standing up for herself person whenever she was in that abusive relationship


damn you cooked me, and I agree with what you said here. Excellent assessment I never thought of it that way


I can’t wait for y’all to watch episode 5 of this season!!!

General Grevious

Where the Sally defenders at now😂


The actor who plays Hank also stars in the show Gotham, and the character he portrays in there is just as wild. 😆😂


After watching your reactions I had to binge Barry on my own, I think this might be one of my favorite shows ever. The way they simultaneously balance such well timed humor and super dark/violent themes is crazy.

Paden Snell

Hank was originally going to be killed I m the first episode. But they ended up liking him so much they just made him a reoccurring character.


I can’t wait to see more Barry reactions from y’all. I’ve started and finished watching Barry because of y’all. Now I’m just patiently waiting for the reactions to come out. Can’t wait to see y’all thoughts on the rest of the series. It’s gonna be a great one😂

DsWorldd •

How do you figure? They never mentioned seeing any similarities in his expression


This is a good analysis. You just summed up what I had been thinking perfectly. If I'm in that audience, I'm finding a different acting class after watching Gene and Sally bully Barry.

The thing that flows

Everyone's terror at Albert getting shot... Sheera was literally shook.

Johnathan Shelton

Yall have to watch Hazbin Hotel it just released on Amazon Prime

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free

Blud it's true though. I don't know how these geniuses imagine Franklin was about to take 35 mil from the CIAs pockets based on a promise from an ex agent that has been proven to lie as adeptly as Teddy can. By killing Teddy, Sissy 'defanged' Franklin in the eyes of the CIA. Sissy traded her freedom for his since US government would have hunted Frank for the rest of his life.


i knew that nigga would pop up but not in this same episode lol


Cannot wait for episode 5. Probably going to be my favorite reaction from you guys.

Corey Leach

Yea the civilian life is not for Barry. So much PTSD and rage within that man. Fuches jus made Barry a more violent sociopath.

Matt (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-23 01:24:59 I forgot how much of clown hank was in this 💀😭
2024-01-23 01:24:24 I forgot how much of clown hank was in this 💀😭. The acting in this show is great,but Barry just needs to quit life atp

I forgot how much of clown hank was in this 💀😭. The acting in this show is great,but Barry just needs to quit life atp


I love the Hank love, Idk why I didn't expect Lupa to like him like he does but he's hilarious.


The symbolism with the Korengal Winds is amazing.


bro acting isn't the career path for any of them lmao


I don't know a lot about acting but some of the stories I've heard about method acting are legitimately wild so this dream of Barry's definitely isn't it. I try to pick up on the little things in each episode and I must say Nick better put on clothes around the house because that's unacceptable that you have to warn someone.


Ya'll took scenes from this episode which were hilarious to begin with and made them 10x funnier Barry literally hit a double take he couldn't believe it 😭😭😭 also yes noho hank is the best.


idk but seeing this again is making me realize that this show is showing the reality of what happens in the military if left unchecked. not as far as being a hitman but being ordered to kill is bad in general but oh cause its "war" its ok. there is a reason why these ppl can never have a normal life after that. it changes u. what they saw and do. and soldiers themselevs have come forward saying that the lives takin away are sometimes civilians as well. im just dumb n just realized this now n maybe to late. or im looking to deep....