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that ending was wild lol



What If? Y'all reacted to Legion FX some time? it's a really unique take on the X-men mythos and has more mature themes than alot of current MCU properties and the fact that it's part of a self contained universe ensures that things don't get too convoluted. :)

Nick 8

What if? Roshi posted the schedule

Moon Wolf

What If? We got Blue Eye Samurai tonight

Hasnain Khan


Maya Coleman

That spirit joke was funny 😂

Maya Coleman

I think you guys are forgetting that Peggy would do anything to be with Steve I get it that some of her decisions aren't the smartest but at the end of the day that is her character so you guys shouldn't clown her for that imo

Michael Blake

Not them completely forgetting the first What if Captain Carter episode completely lol.


Patiently waiting for ya to watch episode 6💯💯


This season trash


Watcher funny asf the hell is this


I really hope this "What If?" thing becomes a norm here😂


Dog not Spirt 😂. The realism

rickie woodson

not her sister. her mother. white widow is young, blonde and named yelena not melina

Smash Bran'Discootch

Big yikes. Have you three been hanging out with The Normies or something? The forgetfulness is real this episode.

Andrew W

I'm liking Lake Bell as Black Widow -- especially since DC has been doing her dirty with Harley Quinn taking a dive in quality.

Smash Bran'Discootch


FreshxEli Tv

I love how they gave a perfect example of a comic accurate Scarlet witch perfect example of what happens when she uses her powers 😭 the watcher seer of all time and space of all of marvel couldn’t even see Wanda use her magic that’s absolutely terrifying


Hearing "Thanks for flying Spirit" took my tf out lmaoo

Killah_ Raze

imagine these 3 going to war im going to laugh

These Plums

Out of the the original Avengers, only Widow, Cap, and Iron Man aren't voiced by their LA counterparts.

Justin Hearst

The thing about the series is that some of the actors are played by the actual movie actors while other ones are played by sound-alike voice actors. The ones who are still in MCU movies except spiderman are usually the actual people and the ones who aren't are VA's.

Lord Joku 69

Im sick of captain carter this is suppose to be what if not what captain carter

Smash Bran'Discootch

It's the principle of the matter. That asshole and you, the asshole I'm currently speaking to could just as easily have kept your dumbass mouth shut. He sought out the interaction, just as you're seeking out the interaction. If you don't want to have someone tell you to choke to death on your grandparents' ashes then keep your fucking mouth shut and shove your commenting fingers up your ass. ^_^


I think y’all forgot the shield is made from vibranium the strongest material in the world. Sooo that and the fact she is a super soldier yes most thing’s aren’t stopping her

Url Robbo

bro said thanks for flying spirit😭😭😭


Andor! Best Star Wars thing to ever come from Disney and really great for reactions :) thanks

R'Mani Leavell

When I first saw that scene when Natahas mom was telling the other black widows how to beat her up I lost it 😂😂 I knew yall would like that scene too


So this episode showed the Mrk 7 Iron Man suit so the question is which is more advanced the Hydra Stomper or the Mrk 7. I dont see how an older Iron Man suit is somehow this big threat.

Alexis Sullivan

Most of the live action actors actually are voicing their characters. It says their names in the opening credits. Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Mark Ruffalo, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Sam Jackson, Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter), Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda), John Favreau (Happy Hogan), Jeff Goldblum (The Grandmaster).....they are all actually voicing their characters. The only ones that didn't return to voice their characters are Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evan, Tom Holland, and RDJ. Basically anyone who's dead in the MCU is voiced by a sound-alike and anyone who's still alive in the MCU is their real actor with the exception of Tom Holland.


Big favor. Could you guys react to Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D


Captain America homer admittedly, but I think it's cool Peggy is wearing the stealth version of her costume at the beginning

kage Rodgers

Or fuck ass little boy how about you go see a priest about the hate and ignorance your displaying. You whose brain seemingly is the size of rat shit. whose mother regretted the relief on your fathers face when he nutted in her. Seek help fuck nigga.

kage Rodgers

Great reaction and fuck these trolls showing up tryna hate

Smash Bran'Discootch

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You really don't get it, do you? You legitimately think that anything you say has any weight? You're not even a real person. Another moron who can't read and just keeps trying to start shit for NOOOO reason. Just another little bitch screaming out for attention because you're such a piece of shit that nobody wants to be near you. I understand that you're such pathetic garbage that the only human interaction you get is through trolls on the internet, but your inbred ramblings are tiresome. Shut the fuck up and stick to something a little more your speed; fingerpainting, maybe? But you'll most likely walk into traffic after being distracted by the undulating fat rolls on your sister's back, so you won't be the world's problem much longer 🤷‍♂️ And just a tip: If you're going to try and "shut down a troll on the internet" and proclaim their IGNORANCE to the hills, maybe learn to fucking spell first. Like even if you did make any valid points(you didn't because you're incapable of that), they would be completely undercut by your inability to produce basic fucking language. Sit the fuck down and shut the hell up. Fucking children; I swear.


Bro they react to plenty of other shows and what if season 1 was like 3 years ago them forgetting shit is not a surprise



Smash Bran'Discootch

And you dumb cunts really come to patreon to fucking bother people. Why are you typing if you can't read? Is this a text to speech situation? Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You. Dumb. Bitch.

Bobby Robinson

Hit her in the kneee she damaged it in second grade 😂😂😂😂😂


Did I miss something? What was the point of them incapacitating them with Widow Bites if they were just gonna back off and let them get up two seconds later?

Oscar Barcelo

“Hello boys, IM BAAAAACK!!!!!” That movie was so goated, always a good rewatch. (Independence day)

Baron Salt

Poison Ivy?