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Audio fixed!



Thanks Roshi! Just finished ep1 and was thinking I couldn't wait until tomorrow for ep2

Vicar Sol

I'mma thank Ludacris for the audio getting fixed

David K.

Sweet thanks roshi!


Lol perfect timingu! 👌🏽

KingKai _

I got that same killua shirt except it got 3 bullet sized holes in it


Not sure if it was mentioned in the original post, BUT a wierd change was the Jagan Eye. For LUPA, mainly, Hiei's backstory is explored in full in the last arc. I'm assuming they omitted it all from this adaptation, so I'll just say what Originally happened. Hiei had revenge plans on his village (I won't spoil why) so he originally found a doctor to implant him with the Jagan(Meaning Evil) Eye as a way to help him achieve that revenge. The final arc really felt like a different anime, but it's definitely worth going back and watching! That same doctor plays a decent role actually.


In the anime the mirror ended up not taking either of their life spans bc it has its on sentient being and it was moved by both the honest wish and them sacrificing their lives!!!

Terrel Hudson

Dawg I literally made a power ranger joke and was feening for one of you to get the itch and say something. Thank you LUPA 🤣🤣 super OG MMPR vibes.

Hasnain Khan


Kareem Davis

Glad I didn't have to watch these out of order

Azayzel Hoarde

Appreciated, the first one was kind of confusing what you guys were reacting to lol was still pretty funny tho


Nobody has to watch these out of order, just wait for this one to come out. Really not that difficult.


He absolutely did not get that knife to get the Jagan eye lol. He already had the eye in the anime and they explain his backstory after episode 100


Okay, ya'll gotta rewatch YYH anime.

Argo TheSlicer

lupa and his drip. bro has like 12 small businesses and a fortune

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Lupa using that commercial voice talking about the haptic feedback 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Delinda Arts

Lupa's Apple voice killed me lmao


Anyone else think the pacing is a bit off? I’ve never seen YYH but I didn’t expect him to beat one of the big 3 on episode 2 lol


It’s so weird seeing these High & Low actors in these roles. I’m so used to them playing their roles in the High & Low franchise


ong-bak lol that brought back memories roshi


Hey Guys!! Wondering if you have any plans to watch “A Sign Of Affection”? It just came out!

rickie woodson

havent watched the show yet but DANG didnt know the high and low cast was in the show. i have more faith now


Yes the actor playing Koenma is from the main franchise and the other two playing Kurama and Musashi (the one with the spear axe) are from the spin-off franchise of High & Low.


Roshi is a man of martial arts movie culture😂

A. P.

Lupa's ipad commercial 😂

Joseph C Gdaniec

nah that's about right. The "big 3" are just his first case as detective and they get taken care of in half a season basically iirc. The girl in the cage does not happen this early though in the anime


Solo leveling is out and thats neat

Chef MellowD

That is not how Hiei gets the Jagan eye in canon.


Him getting the eye looked really janky lmao.

danial javady

It got cancelled bro unfortunately they can't watch it anymore, basically what happened is that

J Man

Yall should end up reacting to The Dangers in my Heart. That romcom blows Komi out of the water

Danger Tomato

Anyone watch death's game?


I know this came out yesterday, but i would like to say SHUT TF UP LUPA 😂 😂


these fight scenes have been incredibly good


I know it's petty but Kurama's wig pisses me off so badly. It's giving Party City Deluxe. His whole design just comes across as so campy and costume-ish. They could have toned it down and mixed it in with some realism.


Hiei didn't get the Jigan eye because of the knife, in the TV show a high-ranking demon installed it and the knife was used to infect other people so the Jigan's power would multiply.


Watch solo leveling pls, you will love it I am sure


Does anybody know if they will watch the brothers sun?

Aybek Telgarin

Watch Fargo Season 5, this season is my favorite with 1 season.


I like how the combat is like... not neat. Messy street brawling. Especially in the beginning, with someone like Yusuke, that's how it should be.


I'd be like, "Listen, Botan. You're cute and all, but... LET ME EAT MY RAMEN. PLEASE."


After this ima need a yu yu hakusho anime reaction english dub

Smash Bran'Discootch (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 01:11:29 The reason why watching this show doesn't ring any bells about the actual anime is because EVERYTHING IS WRONG AND BAD. There goes Lupa being wrong with absolute confidence again 🤣
2024-01-10 06:02:21


Buddy was smoking an incense 😂😂😂

Smash Bran'Discootch

The fact that you don't understand the reason is the problem and shows that you're not qualified to participate in the conversation.

rickie woodson

you remember more than me. all i reamember is kuwabara, yusuke, botan, sexy kurama and hiei. plot points? outside of him dying and coming back with spirit powers, nada. this was a show i casually watched as i was in high school and working at the time. so this is very much like a first watch for me. like the whole thing with kurama and his mom. i vaguely remember kurama either having internal monologue or talking to someone saying he will die soon. i took it as "oh he is dying" but no, he knew what the mirror would do once he made his wish.