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decisions, decisions


Joel Mason

Fern also has one of those photo locket’s

Hasnain Khan



Now we gotta wait two weeks, Frieren on break.

Drake Chuckle

Kraft's statue is literally ancient, remember his convo with Frieren, she doesn't even know who he is. He's *ancient* ancient.

DJ Muldrow

Love this show


Remember them saying Kraft is way older than frieren and she's like 1000. So whatever he did that was heroic was probably in ancient times bases on how he's dressed in the statue too. That man wearing the Dr stone drip

Diante Richard

Not sheera pulling an Omni Man 😭


thought lupa cut his locs for a sec 😂

zILovePelmeni _

i think its been probably thousands if not 10s of thousands of years since the statues of kraft and his buddy were built


I mean its better than Voll had the opportunity to love someone than be alone his whole life. He wasn't sad that he had loved his wife so I dont get why Sheera thinks it was such a bad thing.


hope yall had a merry christmas


I mentioned this on RockLee’s page and I really think she didn’t say that the Demon King was dead to allow old man Voll to continue to have a “reason” — the promise to his wife —to protect the village.

Devin B

Just to live with the fact that you have to outlive the people close to you, it really depends on how you look at it but never knowing love and losing your loved one are two equally shitty things to go through


It said in this episode at 2:38 that its only been 29 years since the death of Himmel.

Delinda Arts

FRIEREN, Heavenly Delusion, and Vinland S2 have been my fave series this year tbh

Allison Veluz

ok so it was 29 years since Himmel passed, and they defeated the demon lord 50 years before Himmel passed away. they were on the journey to defeat the demon lord for 10 years total so yeah a little over 80 years has passed since she last saw him

Oni Legend

I think that one of the things this episode was hitting on was just the idea that love as a sensation or an idea transpires beyond death or limits. Like logically yeah maybe Voll shouldn’t have fallen in love with a human because he was always gonna lose her BUT at the end of the day love is very rarely if ever a logical thing. Honestly i think the outliving his wife adds even more weight to just how special she and their love was to him if it was as far to the point where it’s given him purpose for a hundred plus years and that love is STILL alive in his heart. At the end of the day, it was so special and defining for him that he threw caution to the end despite knowing he’d watch her grow old and die And if thats the case….then hell yeah fuck the logic. Rather experience it and deal with the consequences then have never experienced it at all

Mustafa Sagir

the old man voll memory wasn't bad but he thought that whenever peace came that would mean they killed the demon king, but even after they killed the demon king the world's still the same from his point of view so he still thinks the demon king is alive because there is no peace yet. and the last time he saw her was with himmle so she wouldn't been able to tell him

Lucius Reinhard

Btw the ß in Außerst is an ‘s’ sound, so it would be Auserst (Frieren says the name when they show the map of the area with Außerst and Tür)


It's only been like 29-30 years since Himmel died right?


When Lupa called the friend a murderer, I was waiting for someone to say "what muuurdeerr- he was the greatest guy around!" 😂


Good episode, but like....nobody thought to engrave their damn names to the bottom of the statue or something? Isn't that common practice? Lol.

Terry King Jr

My Grandmother had Alzheimer's and we took care of her at home for almost 10 years until she died. Dementia aint no hoe it's like an emotional nuke to loved ones like cancer and the like.

Kryptik _

Yeaaaaa so this old man injures me just to make a point?

Oni Legend

Names and words can fade due to weathering and age over time. Also not to mention if it was really thousands of years ago its also possible that its written in a language unfamiliar to people of current times

Arima Kana

Lupa must be missing Japan with that top on


Same. I'd catch her outside waiting by the mailbox and ask her "Lola what are you doing?" and she'd answer "I'm taking the bus to (city in the Philippines) to do laundry!" - She hadn't lived in the Philippines for over 30 years. All you can do is smile and nod and lead them by the hand.


I mean the days after they came back he was posting about wanting to go back already, I get it tho

Jaelyn Mcgee

Yeah I work at a nursing home and it's so heartbreaking to see people being affected by dementia. Esp since you have to kind of lie to them some times


some translations for this episode: Voll (dwarf) = Full Tür (place where Gorilla is) = door Kraft (the other elf) = Power/strength


Gonna be a looooooooong time before Frieren realizes she's getting old. They live so damn long it seems nearly impossible any of them would actually make it to old age.

Daniel Borrego

someone did the calculations for maximum average life for humans if physical age wasnt an issue and it came out to around 9000 years. at that point every thing thats a one in a million chance of killing you would basically be like a 50/50 chance per year.

Leanne Stephenson

Okay I dunno why I added an extra 50 years on I've counted it twice from ep1 for some reason. Thanks that makes sense to me now 🤣

Shin splits

Probably thousand because Kraft described by stark is Middle Aged and frieren looks like a around mid-late teens he’s probably 3x her age so 4000-6000 years old

Shin splits

Frieren is at the least 1000 she’s probably closer to 1500 honestly

Brailyn Mar

The crazy thing is if you remember Kraft called Freiren a young elf and she’s OVER 1k years old. Wondering if they all can live passed 3k+


Hope the next Cour drop by Spring

Arima Kana

It means “muscle girl”. Should be a merchandise from the bar where lupa get slapped by muscular girl lol


You, my good sir, have good taste. Those three shows (and also Zom 100) are my favorite anime of 2023.


For some odd reason, I was thinking Frieren would be off for 2 weeks. I'm glad to hear it's only a 1 week break.

Jordan Postle

Yeah they did say at the start it wouldn't take any breaks though. So even though it's just 1 week I'm kinda sad.


I think they are full on like Tolkein elves. Biologically immortal.


Won't you consider watching Elaina the Wandering Witch? Doesn't have to be a trio reaction but thought it would be kind of fun for you to watch.


Wow one moment sheera redeems herself and in the next fumbles 😭 also I think all three of you would fit right in with the viltrimites especially roshi and lupa talking about clapping the stubborn old lady if she didn't hurry up 🤣. I think frieren is gonna end up living for millennia if all the other media I've watched elves are an indication. They usually are nigh immortal which is pretty much immortal so unless she is killed she's gonna be like to your eternity and be around cars and skyscrapers one day also Kraft is way older than her and he still looks the same as the statue of him.

Hans Wurst

Kraft was HIM so long ago, nobody remembers anymore. Goated!


G Warrior is crazy lmfao